Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 6.djvu/393

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YALE LOCK MANUf'g CO. V. NOBWICH NAT. BANK. 381 �the ' dog' is oscillated in correspondence to the movements of the lever. Thus the revolution of the disk causes the • dog,' through the medium of the lever, to alternately move into or out of the locking position. By moving the outer disk by hand, it may be turned so that the shoulder which lifts the ' dog' through the lever into the locking position shall corne under the end of the lever at any desired hour, and by loosening the thumb-screw and turning the inner disk to any desired position, and then screwing the disks again together, so that they move as one, the cut-away portion of the com- pound disk may be lengthened or shortened, so that the shoulder, which allows the ' dog' to drop into the unlocking position, may be made to corne under the lever, as the dial revolves, at any desired hour thereafter." �The re-issue contains 17 claims, of which the first and sev- enth only are alleged to have been infringed. These claims are as follows : �"(1) The combination of independent multiple boit work with the time mechanism and locking or dogging mechanism of a time-lock, automatically both dogging and releasing the boit work at predetermined times, substantially as described. �"(7) In a time lock the combination, substantially as above set forth, of the time movements, and two adjustable devioes, one for determining the time of locking and the other of unlocking." �The defendant, denying infringement, strenuously urges the defences of want of novelty, and want of patentability or non-invention. �There were in the art, prior to Little's invention — (1) Time locks which opened a safe at a predetermined time, and which were instant lockers. The prominent examples of this class were the Eutherf ord lock, the Pye lock, and the Derby patent. (2) Time locks which were instant lockers, and never had been used as subsequent lockers, but which it is now said could have been made subsequent lockers by the appliances within reach of mechanical skill. The Derby patent is the one which is relied upon. (3) Chronometric movements, capa- ble, at predetermined times, of opening and closing a gas-cock, ��� �