Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 6.djvu/403

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YALE LOCK MANUf'G CO. V. NOP.WICH NAT. BANK. 391 �person, until the arrivai of the appointed time, to open the door; but, so far as I am aware, su oh clock locks have either been used singly on a safe door, so that when said lock re- leased the boit work or other fastening of said door it was unlocked and the door could be opened by any one ; or, in another instance, when a time movement had been combined with a combination lock in such a manner that the two really constituted but a single lock; the time mechanism construeted and provided with a lever to engage with the fence or dog of the combination lock, so that the entire mechanism of the time movement and combination lock really constituted but a single lock as aforesaid, — the resuit being that if violence be applied to such a lock through the dial, spindle, or otherwise, the effi'ciency of the time movement will be destroyed. �» » ' * » « » �"By combining an independent time lock of the character described and a combination or key lock, I produce an efifect oir resuit which cannot be produced by a time lock alone, or by two or more combinatiop locks t.ogether. The time lock serves as a safeguard by uight, in connection with the combi- nation lock, for holding the boit work in a locked condition ; but when the time lock releases the boit work at the appointed hour the boit work will remain locked, and the safe or vault door closed, until the copibination lock is unlocked by the holder of the combination on which said lock is set, when the boit work can be retracted and the door opened, thus leaving the time lock free from performing any locking action, which leaves the combination lock, free for use during the day for locking or unlocking the safe or vault door — an important desideratum present in my invention. If the time lock pres- ent on the safe or vault door is set for holding the boit work from the time the bank closes in the afternoon to release the boit work at a certain hour the next morning, it will admira- bly and with certainty perform its office, leaving the combi- nation lock to be opened before the boit work can be retracted ; and should the officer of the bank holding the combination be seized during the night, carried to the bank, and forced to ��� �