Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 6.djvu/440

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428 FEDERAL REPORTER. �ample detail that the defendants may be decreed to permit the continuance of complainant's business on the lines of Refendants' roads witbout molestation or hinderance, and on such reasonable terms as do net exceed the rates prescribed by the laws of Texas, and do not exceed the rates upon which cther express matter is transported by the defendants, and upon the same trains upon which other express matter is transported; praying, also, that the defendants, their agents, officers, and servants be perpetually enjoined from refasing the complainant the facilities now enjoyed by the complain- ant in the conduct of its business on defendants' roads, and from excluding any of its express matter or messengers from defendants' depots, trains, and cars, and from refusing to receive and transport, as the defendants are now doing, the express matter and messengers of the plaintiff, and from demani^ing from plaintiff, as a condition of shipment, the inspeiction of the contents of its packages, and from demand- ing from plaintiff a higher rate upon packed parcels, saf es, and qhests than upon other freights of like weight or bulk, or chargiiig for the transportation of its express matter other- wise than upon the weight thereof, or from ptherwise charging. a proportionally higher rate upon sniall than upon large pack- ages, or from discriminating against plaintiff, (in particulars exhaustively stat§d,) or in any manner disturbing the business of plaintiff in its relations to defendants, ,so long as plaintiff shall pay therefor a reasonable compenfetion, not exceeding the rates prescribed in articles 4256 and 4257 of tho Eevised Statutes of the state of Texas. �Plaintiff also prays for a disoovery, from the officers of the roads named and made defendants in the bills, by which the terms and conditions of any contract with the Pacific Express Company, or with any other company or persons, if any such exist, by and between said defendants and said Pacific Ex- press Company, or other person or company, for the trans- portation of express matter. Plaintiff also prays for a pro- visional or preliminary injunction, to remain in force pending this suit, etc. �On the first of March, 1881, I made an order in each case ��� �