Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 6.djvu/461

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SAINES v; bammond's asm'b, U9 �Gaines v. Hammokd's Adm'b. (Cireuit Ootert, M.: D. Mifmiri. February 5, 1881.) �1. Btatutb op Limitations— Lettebs op Admikistbation — ^Mibsodbi. The bar of the statute ot limitations (Missouri) is not removed by the issuance of letters of administration upon the estate of the de- ceased debtor. �3. Bamb— Same— Samb. �This rule is not modifled by the fact that it was not known that the decedent had any estate calling for administration until after the expiration of the statutory pieriod of limitation. �3. Same — Litigation with Thikd Parties. �Such statute does not cease to run merely becajtise the creditor ifl involved in litigation with third parties, upon -wbiqh her individual right to the debt is dependent. �4. Samb— Successive Coverturbs. �Such creditor cannot tack her subsequent disabilities by successive covertures in order to prevent the operation of the statute of limita- tions. �6. Universal Lbgateb Under Vaud WiUi— Bxecutorb Dndbb Void �WlLL — JUDGMBMT. �QiuBre, whether a universal legatee under a valid will has any inter- est in a judgment obtained by the executors of a prior void will. �6. Dbcedent'8 Estate — Administration — Geant to Repbbsentativeb. �Quœre, whether a grant by the United States to the representatives of a decedent of a tract of land claimed by the decedent, and taken in execution for his debts, but to which he had in fact no legal title during his life-time, could be treated as the individual estate of such decedent, and subjected to administration. �7. Statuts op Limitations— Void 8AI.E— ^Purchasbes. �Quœre, whether, under the circumstances of this case, after the expiration of more than half a century, lands could be recovered from purchasers under a void sale. �8. Priob Knowledge op the Facts— Bill Filed est 1848. �HM, that it appeared from a bill flled in the court in 1848 that the plaintill was fuUy informed of ail the facts which it is now averred she did not discover until a date long subsequent. — [Ed. �In Equity. �This is a demurrer to a bill in equity, The bill alleges as a ground for equitable relief, in substance, the following facts : Complainant is the daughter of Daniel Clark, and the devisse of ail his property by his will executed in 1813. She �v.6,no.5— 29 ��� �