Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 6.djvu/625

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wiiiSON V. oooy. 613 �curved,] in the same manner as ordinary bands. TLe bands, B, are made either to overlap the collar proper, or the collar is made to overlap the bands, or one part of the bands laps over the collar ends, while the remaining part is overlapped by the collar, so as to obtain smoothly-covered joints at both meeting ends of collar and [graduated] sec- tional bands. The bead [or binding] formed by the connec- tion of collar and band may also be continued, if desire d, along the lower edge of that part of the collar [body] between the bands [so as to connect the graduated bands] and [im- part] thereby a more ornamental appearance imparted to the [collar] same. [The rear button-hole, a, is arranged in the top or body of the collar above the bead or binding at the lower edge of the same, which position of the button-hole, in connection with the graduated bands, produces] The lise of the short or sectional bands produces a saving of material, as compared to the old style of continuons band, and furnishes a collar that hugs the neck band in superior manner, without springing baok so as to come in contact with the [coat] col- lar. [The shorter graduated bands produce also a consider- able saving of material as compared to the old style of con- tinuous band that extends at uniform width along the lower part of the collar.] " Eeading in the foregoing what is outside of brackets, including what is underscored, and omitting what is within braekets, makes the specification of the original patent. �There are four claims in the re-issue, as follows : "First, a collar provided with a band composed of the parts B, B, curved, and tapered or decreasingly graduated from the ends towards the middle, as shown and described; second, a collar having short or sectional bands starting from the con- ter of the collar, or any point between the center and ends thereof, and continuing with a graduated curve to and beyond the ends of the same, substantially as and for the pur- pose set forth; third, the combination with a collar having short bands, graduated on a curve and decreasingly towards the middle, of a band-connecting bead or binding along the lower edge, as set forth; fowrth, a collar having curved ��� �