Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 6.djvu/897

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PUTNAM V. HOLIiENDBB. 885 �stopper downward to close the mouth, of the bottle with the force incidental to the power of the lever, but also to main- tain the connection between the compound stopper and the bottle when the latter is opened, in which case the compound stopper is still linked to the bottle through the lever and yoke. The pivotai connection between the yoke, G, and the lever, B, is formed by the bent ends of the yoke entering eyes, bb, of the lever, B. The pivotai connection by means of which the connected lever and yoke are held to the bottle is formed by the bent ends of the lever entering as pivots into the eyes, a' a', of a band, a, which is secured to the exterior of the bot- tle neck, and the pivotai connection by which the connected yoke and lever are held to the compound stopper is formed by, the central part of the yoke, which passes through, and turns as a pivot in, the transverse perforation of the stem, e. The yoke, G, is constructed to straddle the bottle. mouth, and the lever, B, is constructed of yoke form to straddle the boi- tlieneck; one set of the pivotai connections being at ita'enday while another is intermediate between its ends, and itahandle Qnd, ,(i. The intermediate pivotai, connection is at a^swffi-; tient distance f rom the end pivotai connection» anli from the handle end of the lever, andt goiiplaced tha,t when the lever bas beentumed against the bottle to, the position to hold the compound stopper so that it closes the bottle mouth, the inter-, mediate pivotai connection is at tha;t tiine turned past the vertical plane passing through the pivotai connections with the bottle and with the compound stopper, and the compound stopper is thereby locked in its closed position as represented at figure 2. The closing of the bottle is performed by guid- ing the stopper by hand to the bottle mouth, with the elastic member beneath the cap-piece, and by turning the lever downward and inward, or towards the bottle, to its locked position. The opening of the bottle is performed by turning the lever outward or away from the bottle, so as to raise and liberate the compotmd stopper, which may theh be further moved by hand." �There are nine claims in the re-issue, as follows : �"(1) The combination, substantially as before set forth, of ��� �