Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 6.djvu/93

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FISCHEE V. HAYBS. 81 �ment in corrugating sheet metal." The specification of the patent desoribes the then existing mode of corrugating sheeta of metal by means of properly-sliaped maie and female dies extending over the sheet, and between which the sheet is' placed. The dies are then made to approach each other. The creeping of the metal to supply sufficient surface to con- form to the curves and angles of the mould is resisted by the friction of the bent metal sliding over the faces of the dies, and by the force required to bend the metal from the shape it bas already taken into the shape of the next succeeding cor- rugation. The power required is enormous, and the metal ceases to ereep and stretches, and is injured, weakened, or torn apart. The new device was to corrugate by properly- sliaped dies acting in succession on different parts of the sheet. The method is described thus in the specification: There is a lower or female die, whose cross-section is the form desired in the finished sheet metal, and it does not differ from those then in use. A set of upper dies is then procured, whose acting surfaces, when properly arranged, will constitute a single surface, conforming in shape to one side of the fin- ished sheet. They are arranged so as to be free to move towards and away from the under die and be properly guided. In using the machine the sheet is laid loosely on the lower or bed side, and then one of the upper dies is forced down on it until the metal takes the proper shape. That die is then left down, and the next die in succession in the series is brought down and left down, and so in succession until the operation is finished. The metal ean thus creep and eonform to shape. It is apparent that this arrangement, as described, does not contain the plaintift's invention, although the speci- fication speaksof using the apparatus for corrugating mould- ings for the cornices of large buildings. The claim of the patent is this: "The method of corrugating or moulding sheet metal by several dies acting in succession, substantially in the manner specified, upon a sheet resting upon a bed, die, or dies, so as to cause the metal to eonform to shape, substantially in the manner herein described." The patent- v.6,no.l~6 ��� �