Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/112

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100 FEDERAL REPORTER. �tion of suspending the execution of the warrant of commit- ment after it is issued, give a bond, with sureties, to pay the amount of said fine whenever this court shall vacate such suspension. A reasonable time will be allowed to give such bond after the warrant is issued, during which time the exe- cution of the warrant will be suspended, and when such bond is given the execution of the warrant will be suspended until this court shall vacate such suspension. The terms of the order hereon will be settled on notice. ���BucKAN and others v. McKesson and others. �The Same v. Henry and others. �{Circuit Court, 8. D. New York. December 4, 1880.) �1. SoAP iNCOUFOEATiNa Cabbolic Acm— Seteeal Methodsjof Incok- �POBATION — InFKINGBMENT — PboOP. �Re-issued letters patent No. 5,007, for an " improvement in the manufacture of soap," consisting " in a new soap compound, produced by incorporating carbolic and cresylic acids, eitlier one or both, with ordinary soap," claimed — " (1) A soap made by incorporating car- bolic acid, or its equivalent, with ordinary soap, substantially aa specifled ; (2) the combination of carbolic acid, or its equivalent, with the cils and fats to be used in the manufacture of soap ; (3) the combination of carbolic acid, or its equivalent, with alkaline solu- tions to be used in the manufactur.e of soap." 5«Zd, that in order to show infringement it was not necessary to show that some one of the three methods of incorporation was employed, or that any par- ticular method resulting in a Chemical union was used ; but that it was sufficient if the soap had the carbolic acid in the body of it, in such a way that the useful properties of the carbolic acid would be availed of in the use of the soap, while the useful properties of the soap, as a soap, were at the same time availed of. �2, Same— Incoepoeation of Puebe Acid— Application to New Pub- �poses — Invention. �Hdd, further, that the incorporation in such compound of a purer and more conoentrated acid than existed and was used at the time of the prior production of a similar compound, produced by substantially the same meana, whereby the later compound was rendered applica- ble to new purposes, did not constitute invention. — [Ed. ��� �