Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/214

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202 FEDERAL RE^OETEB... �zontalfinger which pushed up. q, jack, jbui; -which was not con- nected with it b^ a pin ox slot, ^nd did p,ot assist it to fall. IJa,thp,t loomthe jack,was yery n^^oh hcavier than the finger, so that the aid of. the lattpr yfonld haye t)een,of ,no practical benefit. �There is no question about the pushing up : the claim is for a fingeiwhich assists, or ma,y,.imder some circumatances, assifit, the jack to.fftll back.., It is not contended that the de- feiidanK fiuger bas |his, eiEfect} exc^pting.wh^n the jack works stiffly and tends to ptipk, . lof ,the or^in^ry use of the loom tht jack and finger fall sirnultaneoucly, as in Greenhalgh, The defendants insist that theic central wheel ^nd conpecting rod, engaging alte^nately with the rotating eylinders, ^re not a jack, aQcordici^ to any vise of , language kuQW to meohanics or oth^rs; thjat theix,gter(i qjf arm, wheth^r weighijed p^ one ^ide of not, is n,o± iproperly called 9, fingex; ijlfiait the, whole cQntrivance of the ;wh9cl,,an4;it^ t-wp armSi \fhich, the^y caii ai} extensible and c,9ntractible . liipji, vsf^s described, in th^ir patent of 1863, and is t^ieir property, which, ttey may^et up. hoiizoiitally, if they choose,in view of the sta,te pf t^e art ? th^t the fing^er, if-it be a finge;r,[4oe8 :not,"in fact, assist. the, -c^bjeel and Connecting ^p^ to fall, under any ,cij:cmnstances. ■ ,,* �They further s^y ithat; the plaini^f !» p^te,nt waiS re-issued in order t0;enJQin the use, ,of thejr loonj, and, that the vague and general word "jack," j^ot .^und in. the origirial, waa.eiaployed to conceal or slur pverr the great (lifferai^ep : bet\reen the, t,wo mechanisnis. ..^ ..,,^, ^■■r> .,.,■, ' ;. ';!,; , �That this liras the pjaiijitiff'spurpos^ inhis re-issue isinpt d^niedi and, under tjie.recei^jijderasions of the supreine qourt, this circumstance calls for careful scrutiny of thej.iiew qiaiitis,; tp make sjjre th^tthey (io not i^xceed the; .licaits pf , th& upvpi- tion;but ifthp^-^9rd,"]>c^" isiiltelligible, or caii )?e,made,so byespcfct it^tinaojay, iji is nqt-, iipcess,arily,f^tal ta the patent, th9;t,^^,iaa;y be us^^^i^,,^ ne-w.jSenae. ,|4g9iiiir,tt,o defendants iiasia|i that if th(e,\vfor4.iis4^pp^ca^le,|to their- wheel ;aiin,,their f|ic^, beeause, tlaey will cpvef. .any^.pos^iWc, i^^^chanisu^, heretofqre qr herea^jtei ��� �