Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/224

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213 " FBDBftAL " BMmtEVU "^ �Dr. Henry M. Smithi^ ^president of Smitb'a ■ htinKieopatWc pharmaey, of New York, testifieff ' that a* early as' I890 he caused to be manufactrtired :* paper box for packihg inedi- cines, construoted as^ follo*S': "Each \(rfapper or box was made of one? piece of '^asteboardi eut of the requisite size, creased 80 that it would,fold oTei*, making the four sides and two«nds, three sides being single thiokness andoue side double thickness the ends being two or four thicknesses, as we used two of fomœ flaipB. When the side was double thickness, it was •where^'the'.boX was glu'ea or riveted'together, because WB did bothii ■ : The box ■s^asfiHod through what weVould call •the'eiids,ffwHM were then fastened 'hygk(&, & 'Stritig-; br ieit unfaatenadi?'!' iit. ; ,i.. ; :.; ;■ ■ '■ .-^ ■■■'.h v. i ■";,., ■.■^■■: --■; : ■ Jamesi'paavey, w- practical' pffiper-iboki ina/teir," be'gatt 'iu •18)68. .toi niaiie isqualtieiibuit|ile bflxes'fou T.vMtt:^ls^tee*«8ii-'Geri ofitEailadelciiiiavj'iiTlieeew-wero o\i^-onP ttiiW^Mmfida^ of board, and scored on a scoring Bia<ihiefe','^t)fiSe'iWih'e,'!lA'p; andoSotneB wtthduiliji li^ome with >&a0^^mai^^k6aie"MM'c>ut. Thetb<iœ^)plittiAgither!wi<e!iflKia(p*-o]!P*hi*t ^ eacllf>eWiita^U fo6r?.scBfeiahai%9:l«ifgihWse'/<lbJfe»tofe,&t«P'Wifthi*«*}ag^^^^^ sebOTe>lthfe?tob»idiit8hapdjtaB4ito»isc4i*-t»ii»^«*>Tcfe^ f orm"t]de-;fauk)di»pa?bail9acfe' 'enduof '>the^4)o*9*!tfefa*i*h«8e fOSi aapc^jwei* auaa6ilby.«Ut*iug tEis^asaiu* W^tie'i^i^^ niii'^ks, wMsiai keiMi(piaatei«]to8Swi8e,;aiid8f^eM>1liteHdl6liJ,fyt' 'the"t%b^ a«ul*'bqiftoiQ.'ofe the-^bdxx^ndithat'tfae 'b«Ke«fh*e«J'j0lhed! iti tiamilaBitPorai- b^iigluiiiig^His' iaii*l«)n: tiicf^ iSSsiieBii afE^'-threifedii^ tprite seoured' therein ■ by pasting !a"labei' iot* i«Trai)pe*^o^er "Hliti foldea,ia(pBbii'fthe'endsiof!<d(ie.boXi,*i ^^ ■'■ '^i i-i7?oif>^ hu .:>:!■! �io thelsameeffcct ia:th6 evidence of Mr. 'WHeeler'in-*egaEd to the buttoniibocces inatoofaetared at ■ N*ttgfetfiek' and' Welt- port, Conaecticut.tMity' yeairs ago, for'the pacliirig' bi but-' tons. ■ . He iays' : •" We[ «ut a blank bf papet^&i' ittavs» boaid the reqdiaitciHJze df> the box,!'andiihea we run ii'thrdUgh -a stfor- ing machine 5 we isoored it^ ofosswise four tithes, lengtiiwise twice/iand We ciit down the scoring on the ends to the seorihg length-wise ; we cuti eut the corner of bne end, what we bail the lap,and then folded down the flaps that we made by cut- ting down to the scoring; then we paste what we call a ��� �