Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/229

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JPOTTEB ». 8TBWABT. i217 �B is very clear that' the cajyedpieoeifjof «ieiai in iae Baehelder machine aets; not onlyi to ididcJiargB the oldthi feoia the teeth:of the feeding bsH^KutJto receivo thBicldth after it is: discharged. . If ;thaftheifeo, itl-waspro^er. to.oall it areceiv- ing.plate in. the re-issmej and to ^t forth' ite office as such^ althoagh the original failedio do sd; ftndy indoedj bedause the original soifailed, its office iuaiflcharginglthe cloth/being also set forthin the re-iasue^; Se, ialsoyai-td tha! pressure; roller. It is, infactj'according to the deacJ-iption and drawinga of the original patent, a yielding pressure roll«r;l it is (ao ,ealled in the re-is^ue, but nbt in the. i original, :it;being called, in. the original a heavy pressura uollen It:waB properj in there^ issue, to! callit yietlding, the re-issueialfib paMiugiit heavy. ; �It:is contended for the defendahti-that his .machine cannot be;held to infringe foori-the reasoii allfBgod, Ihat the 'speeifio devices fdund in it were not'lknawn.or iniuseat thedateiof Bachelder's inventionsj 3?he lepeloifio' devicBs espeoially aie^ fefred to are the foiir- motion feed and the pr^aer*{ooti.' But the four-motion feed in thedefehdaiit'smaeidne adyainces4he inaterial tp bte served, regularly and HorizontaMy,.by aa inter- mittent motion, over andnpon the horizontall holding • sur- face through which the needle aots,'and oveEiand'itiJ)on,the supporting bed; by' which the imaterial is supportedj and de- linrers it automatically,-, withoat reqairing -the: se#ingf toibe stopped for the purpose ef attaching freshi portrous of ,the material.- .The teeth of theifeed-bar project throughL;a slot in the, horizontal plate or holding surface through whioh) the needle acts, and engage with ithe material and eompel it to advance when the feed is moved forward. . �In the Bachelder machine the feed is a belt with points, which penetrate the material: and eairy it f orward' intermit- tiSntly, and is. returned, lafter delivering the material fed, by passing around rollers out of contact with the material. The defendant's feed-bar movea direetly babkward; after dropping out of contact with the material. But,in respect; tosupport- ing the material horizontally while itis being fed, and fak- ing hold of the material and advancing it by a regular, auto- matic, intermittent motion over and. upon the horizontal ��� �