Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/234

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aaa FEDEftlill BEPaltTBS. ���' Root and. otliers i), Lamb. �(Uirauit Oifurti p. Mfueachusetts. February 24, 1881.) �1. iNVBirrioir— CkiNSTBUG'KON'r^WoBDS. ■ • �The ordinaiT:; sighjflcati'pn of ttte wbrds used by a patcaffee in de- scribing his invention must haye their :weigtit wben seeking i'or liis meaning. �2. CiAiM— Construction — ^tatb op the Art. �A elaim shotild te limited to the specifie improveirtent desferibed, ' T?iiare the state of tie art does nut adnaiit af a great original discov- �■ ery ■■ .. • i.. �3. LsiTTEES Patent No; 96,0:37— Sheet-Mbtal TrjBBs. �Eeld, therefore, that a patent for " the improved methotj, herein de- acribed, of malting tubes tiy rolling the slcelp with longitudinal ridges and furrows on its altemate edge-faces, and lapping the same in a spiral direction toform a^ iock \n the manner specifled," was not applicable to the subsequent production of sJieet-metal tvjbei with a continuons folded outaide seam, made by a machine subsequently iu- vented and used for that purpose.— [Ed. �In Equity. , , �Samuel A. Dunca/n, CaH»ten Browne, and Roht. H, Duncan, for complainants. �John A. Loring and W. H, Drury, ior defendant. �LowELL, G. J. J, B. Roiot, aissignor of the plaintiffs, ob* tainea his patent, No. 96,037, now in suit, October 13, 1869. Heheginsby saying that his invention consista in a spirally- lapped matai tube, formed with a loek following the direction of the spiral, by constructing the skelp, of whieh the tube or tubing is made, with a tongue and groove, or locking ridge and furrow, on reverse sidea of its opposite edges; so that, on spirally wrapping the skelp around the mandrel, its edges not only lap one over the other, but also establish a lock by the fit of the two tongues in' the grooves of the skelp ; after which the tubing welded, ox.the spiral joint closed by solder- ing, or otherwis'e. i He then degcribes and draws a skelp with grooves and furrows on each side, which he saysjmaybe made by rolling the Jieaded skelp in one operation; andthat the sajpe beat will.jSejve tu.effeet the cpiral twist of the skelp around a rotating mandrel, in doing which the edges of the ��� �