Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/285

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OBAT V. NATIONAL STEAM-SHIP 00. 273 �March 8, 1876 ; that the effect of this is to repeal the act of 1875, and that section 639 is left thus to be the only existing law. This point was overruled by this court in McLean v. St. Paul, etc., Ry. Co. 17 Blatohf. 863. The reference in the margin is made under the provision of the act of 1877, that the oommigsioner shall make marginal reference to statutes passed by congress since December 1, 1873, which may, in his opinion, in any manner affect or modify any of the pro- visions of the Revised Statutes, but which are not expressly therein declared to be amendments of the Revised Statutes ; hence the marginal reference. It bas been held that subdi- vision 1 of section 639 is superseded by the act oi 1875. �The motion to remand the cause is denied. The petition for removal was filed, and the bond was filed and approved, March 17th. The answer served after that was served after the state court had lost its jurisdiction. The defendants may have 20 daya to aie and serve their answer. ���Geat, Adm'x, etc., v. National Stbam-Ship Co. �{Circuit Court, 8. D. New York. May 6, 1881.) �Teaksfer of Titlb to Stbam-Ship— DEMVBKT — REaiSTEATioH— Rk8 Adjudicata. �Augnst 16, 1867, the defendant, a British corporation, made a writ- ten agreement with the Navigation Company, another British corpo- ration, wherehy the latter company, having, preparatory to a dis- solution, transf erred all its property to two liquidators, under the "companies' act, 1862," agreed, inU/r aliar-(l) That for a valuable consideration to be patd, (afterwards paid,) " the Navigation Com- pany and their liquidators will forthwith, by such means, deeds, acts, and assurances as may be necessary oretpedient in that behalt, convey, deliver, and make over to the Steam-ship Company all such reat and Personal property, capable of assignment and transfer, a» are comprised in, or make tip, or pertain to, the several items appear- ing under the head of assets ito the" bocks of the Navigation Com- pany; (2) "the Steam-ship Company shall take such property sub- ject to the several rights and equities therein subsisting, and, in particular, to the discharge of the several liabilitles appearing in the said books, papers, and documents, and to il! other liabilitles to �v.7,no.3— 18 ��� �