Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/291

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GEAY V. KATIONAL 8TBAM-BHIP 00. 279 �flhip Company, limited. The application was snbmitted by �the custom-house at Liverpool on the same day lo the board �of commissioners of customs, as an application that the eight �vessels then standing in the name of the National Steam �Navigation Company, limited, might be registered "under the �titie of ' The National Steam-ship Company, limited,' as sanc- �tioned by the annexed certificate of incorporation." On the �«eventeenth of April, 1869, the chief registrar of shipping �fiigned a paper in which he said : �" The evideaoe of change of name of the Company being satisfactory, as fhown by the enclosed certificate of incorporation, I BUbmit that the sev- «rai registers of the Tessels may be noted as requested." �On the same day it was so ordered by the board of commis- sioners of customs. �The records of the registry of shipping, in the custom- house at Liverpool, do not show any document of record there making any change of ownership of any of the vessels from the National Steam Navigation Company, limited. Those records show the following facts, among others, as to the registry in that office of the vessels : �The Virginia, the Denmark, and the Louigiana were conveyed to the Kational Bteam Navigation Company by bills of . sale, and were thereupon registered in its name prier to 1869. The Pennsylvania, Erin, Helvetia, the Queen. and England were registered in the naiueof that compauy, as original owners, prior to 1869. In the record of the registry of each of the «ight vessels the following entry appears : "Ownership altered to ' The National Steam-ship Company, limited,' per board's order, dated seven- teenth April, 1869, from ' The National Steam Navigation Company, lim- ited ;' " and, under the head of " names of owners." the tollowing : " The Kational Steam-ship Company, limited; total, nineteenth April, 1869." �On this alteration of ovynersMp on the registry, no new register or certificate of registry was taken ont by or issued in respect of any one of the eight ships, but the old registers issued to the National Steam Navigation Company, limited, prior to 1869, remained outstanding, and were surrendered up and cancelled, — one in 1870, two in 1871, four in 1872, and one in 1874, — seven new registers for seven of the veseela being taken in the name of the National Steam-ship Company, limited, on alteration of tonnage, and three of the vessels, one of which was the , Pennsylvania, being sold to foreigners. ��� �