Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/33

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BBIDOKS V. BHBOiDON. 21 �tion of' S. & 8. by a definite price per head-stone and blopk, in addition to the pqce jheretofore agreed upon. This, in lieu of the one-third interest, but not of the given sum of 120,000. S. G. Bridges. �"ShBLDONS & StASON." �Bridges, in purchasing Morgan's oontracts, gave him four notes, of $5,000 each, payable five, seyen, nine, and eleven months after Decembor 24, 1874, respectively, secured by an order on the government for pay ment ont of four ol the cemeteries assigned. TJhese oemeteries were not completed, and thpreiwasno possibility of completion at the timesthe notes wers; due; and,, in May, 1875, Morgan, ha vingprojlosed to take fjrpni Bridg^S;|15,000 for thei$2:0;000 of notes, Bridges mad§ applicatiQij: to Sheldons (feSlascBaifor the adwaniaeipfiso much. , Charles. ^h,eldpn went to, Washington» ; and uponisee- ing Morgan offered toigive $10,000 tot the notes' instoad al $15,000,.which MoJ^an refused to, aocept. .. Sheldon inoreateed the offeP to $13,jOQCi, and iWQuld^vs no moroif, TJiarfiuiiJdn Bridges, tyithout theknwlpdge.of StoldoB.igstvjelhiB iiiote;to Morgan for $3,0Pfiiiaffkd tlifeas made uiJAhe«$15:/»00 demaniiBd by M,oJOgiWJ Sbeldons Ji iSlason: gisdn^ -notes Ioe- $i'^500, $2,500, $4,009, and ;$4=,000,- lespeotively,;-: and^ Moiganigave up the-snotes tOiSheldou, Bridgea not>being-pidsaiti.'.iBiieldon required Mprgan to indorse the uot^ to Sheldone & Slal^on. • On May 20, 1875» a Contractwas dra-wn'up in pursuance pf the proposition of December 18, 1874, (Bridgea meantime having completed his eontract with . Morgan eo that he had all the eontracts to M,) between Bridges and Sheldons & Slason, dp/tedi back to Deoember 18, 1874, ;wherein Sheldons & Slason agreed to fnrnish marble, means, power, and ma- chinery necessary to fulfil the contracta ; Bridges to do the ■work necessary to finish the stone, and erect them in the cem- eteries. And under the contract the priees for head-stones ■were increased so that Sheldons & Slason were to receive for head-stones furnished under Bridges' contract, $1.41 per stone; under Morgan's and Jonea' eontracts, $1.46 per stone; and under Sage's contracta, 90 cents per block, and six cents commission upon each stone purchased from others, and to ��� �