Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/393

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XAIIiOB V. PHILADELPHIA & BEADINO B. 00. 381 �The masters reported a form of order authorizing the issue of oertificates for the amount due, bearing interest, and pay- able out of any funds in the hands of the receivers applicable thereto at such date as might be fixed by the receivers after 30 days public notice. �Samuel Dickson, R. L. Ashhurst, and James E. Oowen, for receivers. �MoKennan, C. J. The order referred to in the foregoing report was made with special reference to the principles an- nounced and discussed in Fosdick v. Schall, 99 U. S. 235. It was deemed to be a full warrant for the order, as was also the manifest justness of the method of appropriation pre- ' scribed. The masters have shown that it bas also the sup- port of other adjudications, and specially of the judgment of the eminent circuit justice of this circuit, whiehof itself com- mands controlling consideration in this court. �The report of the masters is therefore approved, and it is directed that an order be entered in the form therein recom- mended by them. ���Tayloe and others v. The Philadblphia & Ebading E. Co.* �Fabmers' & Meohanics' Nat. Bank of Philadelphia v. Samb. �[Circuit Court, E. D. Pennsylvania. January 21, 1881.) �1. EqUITT — CORPOBATIOK IN HaNDS OF ReCBIVERS— WhAT MATTBBS �NOT "WlTHIN JUaiSDIOTION OP CollKT — AUNUAL MbETING OP STOOK- H0LDBK8. �As the object of the appointment of receivers of a railroad is to pre- serve the property for the beneflt of creditors, the court has no other function to exercise than that which will assist in carrying out this object. �2. Samb. �The court will not, upon the petition of the company flled in the suit in which receivers were appointed, take jurisdiction of and decide a question as to the propriety of postponing a meeting called for the election of offloera, which question has no relation to the objects for which the receivers were appointed. �*Eeported by Frank P. Prlchard, Esq , of the Philadelphia bar. ��� �