Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/466

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454 FSDSBAIi BEPOBTSB. �to "coolies" coming from China, Japan, or any other oriental country, and requires the consul to withhold the certificats if there is an agreement for service for lewd and immoral purposes. The second section makes it an offence to bring to the United States subjects of China, Japan, or any other oriental country, without their free consent, for the purpose of holding them to a service, and makes void all such con- tracts. The fourth section makes it an offence to contract to supply the labor of a cooley, or any other person, brought into the United State in violation of section 2158 of the Re- vised Statutes, which section relates wholly to the coolies af ore- said. The fifth section makes unlawful the immigration into the United States of alien convicts, not politieal, or whose sentence has been remitted on condition of their emigration, and of women imported for the purposes of prostitution ; and if, on inspection, any such obnoxious persons are found on board of an arriving vessel, provisions are made in regard to them. �A motion is made by the defendant in arrest of judgment on the ground that section 3 of the act applies only to women of the class named in the first section coming from China, Japan, and other oriental countries. We cannot concur in this view. It may very well be that under the first section consuls have no duty elsewhere than in China, Japan, and other oriental countries to inquire into contracts for lewd purposes; but it is because, neither under that section nor under section 2162 of the Revised Statutes have they any duty at all in any other countries in regard to certificates respecting voluntary emigration. The act of 1875 may very well be an act supplementary to title 29 of the Revised Stat- utes, in regard to immigration, and yet relate to immigration from other than oriental countries. Section 5 relates to con- victs, and women imported for the purposes of prostitution, from all countries; and section 3 relates to the latter class imported from all countries. There is nothing to indicate a contrary intention, and everything to indicate an intention to apply the provisions of those sections to all countries, oriental and other. ��� �