Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/486

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474 FBDBBAL BEPOBTEB. • �Boription; and it act», "as it were, on a lever near its pivot."^ Here is the connedtring the hinged part of the cover of an inner sliding box with tiie back of an outer case by meansof an elastic band or strap, substantially as claimed in the plaintiff's patent. �In 1868 CauBsemille took ont a fifth certificate of additions- to this same patent. In that addition an employment of the rtibber epring, to open the inner box as that is drawn, ont, is described, which is claimed by the orator to be the game as his invention, and to show that Caussemille did not understand and intend to describe it when he applied for and thok his ' first certificate of addition. In that the rubber spiring is described as attached to the lid a little forward of the hingei and to pass through the fitted part of the lid tightly, a little back of the hinge, into the inner box, and through the inner end of that box, and to be attached to the closed end of the outer box, rhaking practically two working parts of the spring,-7--one working constantly between the movable and immovabie parts of the lid to raise the movable part whenever the inner box was drawn out past the cover of the outer box far enough so it oould be raised, and the other to return the inner box into the outer when freed. In the plaintiff's patent and Caussemille 's first addition, the spring passes wholly outside of the inner box, and the invention de- scribed in them is different from that described in the fifth addition. So the foundation of this argument fails, even if the argument would be sound. �Let a decree be entered dismissing the bill of complaint, with eosts. ��� �