Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/503

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THE ENEIQUE. 491 �220 ; Gould v. Oliver, 4 Bing, (N. C. ) 134 ; S. 0. 2 Man . & <J. 208 ; Euriey v. Milwœrd, 1 Jones & Carey, 224 ; Milward v. Hibbert, 3 Q. B. 120 ; Johnson V. Uhapman, 19 C. B. (N. 8.) 563 ; Brown v. Cm-nmll, 2 Root, 60 ; Barris v. Moody, 30 N. Y. 226 ; S. C. 4 Bosw. 210 ; Gillett v. ElUs, 11 lU. 579 ; Mer. e Mari. In». Co. v. Shillito, 15 Ohio St. 559 ; Toledo Ins. Co. v. Sfeares, 16 Ind. 52 ; Meaher v. TjufUn, 21 Tex. 383 ; The Watehful,! Brown, Ad. 469 ; The Wm. Oillum, 2 Low. 154 ; TTooti v. Phœnix Ins. Co. 1 Fbd. Rep. 235 ; -b'c/ir. May e Em, 6 Fbd. Rep. 628. The value in case of jettison is the value at time of jettison, estimated at cost priee, without regard to possi- bility of being saved. Johnson v. Chapinan, 19 C. B. (N. S.) 563 ; Barnard V. Adams, 10 How. 270 ; Bogers v. Mechanics' Ins. Co. 2 Btory, 173 ; Bogers y. Mechantes' Ins. Co. 1 Story, 603 ; Lee v. Grinnellyo Duer, 400 ; Davis v. Oarrett, 6 Bing. 724. Declarations which are a part of the res gestœ are admissible. 1 Wharton on Ev. i 259 ; Flint v. Transportation Co. 7 Blatchf. 536, 13 Wall. 3 ; Insurance Oo. v. Moreley, 8 Wall. 397 ; Castner v. Slicker, 33 N. J. 95 ; State v. Wim&r, 17 Kan. 298. �T. W. Hall, for respondents, cited : �Machlachlan'8 Merchants' Shipping, 498-618 ; 3 Kent, 216; The Dda- ware, 14 Wall. 596 ; The Niagara, 21 How. 23 ; Lawrence v, Minturn, 17 How. 111; Smith V. Wright, 1 Caines, 43; Gram v. Aiken, 13 Me. 229; Sprowl v. Bonnell, 26 Me. 185 ; Bodge v. Bartoll, 5 Greenl. 286 ; DoaMe\. Keating, 12 Lelgh, 391 ; Schdfora v. Wilcox, 9 La. 33 ; Muwaukee Belle, 2 Bissel, 197 ; Faisons, Mar. Law, 316. �Morris, D. J. The libellant seeks to recover the value of 126 head of beef cattle shipped by him on board the Spanish steamer Enrique, 2,300 tons, at Baltimore, to be carried to Liverpool, and -which were cast overboard on the voyage. By a contract dated December 2, 1880, the agent of the steamer agreed with the libellant, a large cattle dealer of Chicago, to let to him the deck freight room of the steamer for about 100 cattle on deck, the freight to be 60 shillings per head, payable in cash before sailing, and whether delivered or not delivered at Liverpool. The contract provided that the space for each beast should be not less than eight feet by two feet six inches, and that the stalls should be constructed at the ship's expense, to the satisfaction of the shipper and of the underwriters' inspector. It further provided with particular- ity for fumishing by the ship of water for the cattle, gang- ways for loading and unloading, space under deck for forage, free passage ont and back for drovers, for six days' notice to shipper of steamer's readiness to receive the animais, and of the exact number the ship would take, and that the steamer ��� �