Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/520

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608 FEDERAL REPORTER. �Choatb, D. J. TBe brig Olivia A. Carrigan, belonging to Halifax, Nova Scotia, together with the freight moneys due on her voyage to this port, were attaohed in a suit ia this court for seamen's wages, brought by the libellants, McNamara and others. After the service of the monition by the marshal on the parties owing the freight moneys, the sheriff of the county of New York served on them a warrant of attaohment against the same freight moneys in their hands, issued out of the supreme court of New York at the suit of the petitioner Bertaux against the owner of the vessel. The vessel was condemned and sold under the decree of this court, and another libel was filed for supplies and materials. In the seamen's suit a decree was entered condemning the ves- sel and her freight for payment of the seamen's wages, and a final decree directed the payment of the freight to the satis- faction of the claim of the seamen, and that any balance due to the seamen, not paid by application of the freight, be paid out of the proceeds of the vessel. Before the execution of this decree in respect to the freight moneys, and before the freight had been paid into court, the petitioner Bertaux applied to the court for a modification of the decree so that the wages shoald be paid out of the proceeds of the vessel, leaving the freight moneys to satisfy his judgment, if he should recover judgment in his suit in the state court. This motion was opposed by the petitioner Dimock, who had filed his petition claiming the remuants and proceeds of the vessel under a mortgage from one Doyle, who was claimed to be the owner of the brig at the date of his mortgage, and by Doyle, who claimed the surplus, if any, as owner at the time of the sale of the vessel. Bertaux's application was by motion, on an affidavit ; and, without determining whether he obtained any lien on the freight moneys by his attaohment subsequent to that of the marshal, it was held that' the proper mode of presenting his claim, if any he had, was by petition, and not by motion, and it was ordered that he have leave to file a petition, and in the meanwhile it was directed that the freight moneys be paid into the registry, and that the decree in favor ��� �