Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/542

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530 FEDERAL REFOSTSB. �neoessary to oonsider them further. As to any specifie charges in the nature of fraud, (except the purchase of the trust notes,) it may be said, in the present condition of the proof, being affirmed on the one side and denied on the other, that they are not sufficiently established to warrant the grant- ing of this motion upon that ground, �With respect to the purchase of the trust notes, we are of the opinion that the trustee should be enjoined from any purchase or sale of the same until the further order of this court. The motion is therefore denied, exoept in the above particular, and a decree may be entered accordingly. ���United States ». The Globe Works and others. �(Otrcuit Gov/rt, Z>. Massaehuaettt. May 19, 1881.) �1. EQiriTT PiiBADma— CoRPOEATB AssETs— Bquitablk Liens. �A bill to charge the assets of a corporation, in the hands of share- holdera, with an equitable lien in favor of creditors, must allege that such assets were divided among the shareholders bef ore the corporate debts were paid. �2. Same — Rbcbivbb— Personal Liabilitt. �Where such bill also seeks to make the receiver of the corporation personally liable, due notice of the debts must be alleged. �3. Same— Stockholders — Personal Liabilitt. �Where such bill also seeks to charge the individual stockholders of such corporation, the facts necessary to make them personally lia- ble under their charter must be alleged. �4. Same — United Btates — Pbioeity of Claim. �Where such bill seeks to establish the priority of a daim in favor of the United States, it must also show whether the corporation was insolvent at the time it was being wound up, and whether the re- ceiver of the corporation had notice of the debt. — [Ed. �In Equity. Demurrer. �Henry Howland, Asst. U. S. Att'y, for complainant. �Wm. S. Hall, for defendants. �LowELL, G. J. This is a demurrer to a bill filed by the United States against the Globe Works and John Souther^ George Souther, Daniel N. Pickerinj, and Aristides Talbot» ��� �