Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/574

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.V'i VFBDBBilii BEEORTBB*! \r �T.I have notwrittien anelatoorateiopiniom in this oasefor the reason that it;waBjiatimated' fcy counsel at the hearing tllat a'Vrit of error wtotild ;be taben to the Unitfeidr State supreme court in any event, and I content] myself With an annoanee- ment of my conclusion upoh the ; facts and law as I unde3> sttuid them, JHdgment will beentered in favor of the defend- aotjiianda writ of error is allowed. ���Stbwa&t». OiL-fON. ' '■ ' ' �(Cli>*«uft Coutt, Bi Yterniont. Jiine l,J.881.) v-ij �1. Power op Attobnet— Revocation. �A power of attorney, giveaito secijre. the performance of an agree- ment, cannot be revoked by the donor without a satisfaction of the ,r+,-Contraet , .. , ;., ,,^ .r,-,'; ■ ■■ . -.,-., ,. - -.r �2( 8Aam--SAiiB. ',.,;,,.,,■,,,_, -, �In t^e prosecution of a suit, the ^plair|tiff'3 attorijeys acquired a lien upon the claim,' ttnder an agt^ement with their client^ and causfe'd ' ■ hiin to secure the aameiby th« piicuiion of /a power of attorney, del- egating the contjrol.of the lit jg^tion : to Jjii^^'poa, JH«W, that such power could not be revoked, and new attorneys employed by the donor, until he had satisfled liis {)art dif the agreemeht.— [Ed. �James Sarrett, for djseamtiniiancc. — ; , �EdwcurdJ^.'PhelpsiiovdeijenaaToiii ,: �LucinsE: Chittenden,IQxp!e&intiM4 ;. / :; �.Wheelbr, D,:Jv Thi« suit is founded onf pontract, and �was brought iatjthe state court. . rit was' removeid io this �court before the laSt term, the. pkiaWff beiing a citizen of �Vermont and- the defendant of New York. . Aocordilig ta the �record certiued frora thatcouaft» attoiHueys of; thfe stato. court, �,who were also attorneysof this coiiCkj,appeared forthei plains �tiff there, land; have eontinued their appearanoe-here. The �practice jaithe fstate coprts o{)^ this istateiilollawed ia thi«  �court, is for any attorney, of* 'eouartfitoiapiiffoai for anyiparty �tji anyi isnit or.proceeding >th«iceinj without being" re^aired; to �a'sk <rf jobtainany leave of .thejcjsurt.fprfthakpiuispose; < (^iace �the last term another attorney of the state courts arid.of this ��� �