Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/588

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676, "FEDMltt IKEPflBTEBe �aqtaal, contiQQed oocupalion of any premises under a claimr �o{ title, exclusive ofany other Hffht, but not foundedmpon any �written instrument,, * t f the .premises SO' aetually �ocbupied * * ■* , shalli,b6)deemed to be heldi adversely/' �and such an adverse possession, eontinuing for 20 : years, �shaill bar an action for the Moovery of the «state. �•Dnder these statutee it is dear that the possession iclaimed �toiibe adverse must be undec a daim of title whieh is; antag*; �onistic to the former owner's title. . It must be siich as iavolves �the absplute repudiation of the original title, and it musthe �a 0laim df title» whetheir' fouijded upon a written instrument �oir not, exclusive. of any otherrighti Now> there aire a few.; �leading principlesi of laiir ap.plioable to the present case iiiiloh �must not be oyerlooked.. Evddenee:of adverse poseession la: �aiiways to be coDistrued striftily» and every presumptiohis^io �be>made in favor of the truoiowher, Such possession ds not �to be made out by inferenoe, but byiclear and positive piroof. �Sydnory. Palmer, 29 Wis. SSI-tZ,' -and. cases cited, '; • �"Toconstitute a valid and effectuai adverse possession, the poisedsion must be hostile in itsinceptipn. , *,[ % * ^ No possession can he adveTse, exeept the person in possession holds for himself , to the exclusion of all. others, and urider a claim of title Which' is edtireJy antagoniatid 'to tiiat of the trae owner. The claim of title musi Bei«(i<>ej'»e to that of the'eyirii- ant, and not in any mannfr subserv1jen% tp the titte Of thp totterJ.'i , , T\yler on Eiectment, 874. ," Where it commer^ccs under acknowledgment jotthe right owner's estatej the possession wiil retain its priginal'qiiality throligh any succession of oc<iupantsof the Ittnd, and will bepiresumed tobe in subservienceto therightfulinteres*."' id. 860. ' ■ , �The character of one's posseasion. of land is determinjBd bythat of bis entry, unlesahe.hasigiven the party holding- the title under whioh he entered, notice of bis intention nbt to hold under that title, or unless there h as been a legal evic- tion, and possession taken or eontinued uhder a paramount title. Quinn v. Quinn, 27 Wiff; 168. ; One who enters under a oontraetof purchase is estoppedfrom denying the title ofhia . vendor so long as he retainls spossession under the contract. Miller T, Larson, IT Wis. oM; Quinn v. Quinn, supra; Jack' son ex detn. v. Walker, 1 Gowen, 637. A party in possession; of lands, reoognizing the title of a claimant, and agreeingib ��� �