Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/598

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586 FEDERAL REPORTER. �smoothing the wax, and glving to the same a polished and uniform ap- pearance, and the surface of the heated cylinder, c, by preference, travels in the opposite direction to the paper with whieh it cornes into contact. The paper prepared in this manner is saturated and rendered trans- parent, or nearly so, by the action of the wax, and it is a new 'article of manufacture adapted to varions uses in the arts as aforesaid." �The claims are as follows : �«•(1) In a machine for applying wax to the surface of paper, a heated cylinder revolved within the trough containing ihe wax, and acting to heat the wax and apply a layer to a web of paper, substantially as set forth. (2) The method herein specifled of applying wax to the sur- face of paper, consisting in transferring the melted wax from a trough . to the paper by a roller, moving the paper in contact with such roller, and removing the surplus wax by a scraper, substantially as set forth. (3) In a machine for applying wax to the surface of paper, the heated cylinders, a and b, in combination with the trough, n, and scraper, l, and ; means for supplying paper, whereby the heated wax is applied to one surface of the web of paper by the roller, a, and afterwards the paper is heated at the other surface, to draw the wax into the paper, substantially as set forth. (4) The heated cylinders, a, b, e, in combina- tion with the trough, n, the scraper, l, and mechanism for revolving the cylinder, c, in the opposite direction to the movement of the paper with which it is in contact, substantially as set forth. (5j The method herein set forth of waxing j)aper, consisting in spreading the wax upon the sur- face, heating the paper from the opposite side, to spread and fuse the wax into the fabric of the paper, removing the surplus wax, and remelting and polishing the wax upon the paper, substantially as set forth." �There \b no dispute as to the manner of the construction of the defendant's machine, in so far as it is alleged to infringe the said re-issue. A lettered drawing of it is fur- nished, with reference to which the description of it, as given by the plaintiff's expert, is as follows : �A indicates a reel containing a web of paper, P, to be coated with wax or paraffine. B ', B, are guides, being small wooden rollers, over and under which the paper passes on its way to the machine. is a steam- heated cylinder, about 10 inches in diameter, revolving in a trough con- taining melted wax or paraffine. At one side of said cylinder, extending the whole length thereof , is a wooden bar, E, padded with felt, and forci- bly held against the cylinder, U, with a constant pressure, and serving to prevent more tlian a given quantity of wax or paraffine from being car- ried up to the paper. Close by, say about six inches therefrom, is a hori- zontal platej F, soinewhat wider than the paper and about 18 inches long, heated by a number of steam-pipes, g, beneath it. This plate, F, has a groove, h, A', iu its upper surface, all around its margin, about one and jne-half or two inches from the edge thereof. One end, /, of the plate is ��� �