Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/616

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60e FBDBBAL BEFOBTEB. �The Glbnbabne.* (District Court, D. Oregon. May 7, 1881) �1. Pilotage on thb CoLtnuBiA and Wallamet Rivees. �By the laws of Oregon the waters of the Oolumbia and Wallamet rivers are a pilot ground upon which a licensed pilot is entitled to so much per foot draf t of the vessel piloted for his aervices, without reference to the distance theymay be required; and if such pilot flrst oflers hia services to a sea-going vessel upon such waters, and is refused, he is entitled to recover half pilotage. �2. Samb. �The Gleneame, a sea-going vessel of 600 tons hurden and 16>^ feet draft, being at Astoria, in charge of a Washington territory pilot, licensed for the Columbia river only; and bound on a voyage to Port- land, was spoken by an Oregon pilot, who oflered his services to conduct lier to Portland, which ofCer was refused. Held, that the vessel might take either pilot while on the Columbia river, but as only the Oregon one was entitled to pilot her on the Wallamet river, his ofEer was a valid tender, so far, of pilot service, upon refusai of which the vessel became liable to him for half pilotage. �3. Half Pilotage. �Where.the pilot law provides that an oflfer of pilot service, if re- fused, shall entitle the pilot to half pilotage, such offer and refusai, in law, create an obligation or contract to pay such half pilotage, which may be enforced in the admiralty against the owner or vessel. �In Admiralty. Suit to recover half pilotage. �Erasmus D. Shattuck, for libellant. �John W. Whalley and Rufus Mallory, for claimant. �■ Deady, d. J. Philip Johnson brings this suit against the bark Gleneame, a foreign vessel of 600 tona burden and 16^ feet draft, to enforce the payment of $33, alleged to be due him as half pilotage under the pilot laws of Oregon relating to pilota and pilotage on the Columbia and Wallamet rivers, �*Thb Gleneabnb. �In Admiralty. �Erasmus D. Shattuck, for libellant. �John W. Whalley and Bufus Mallory, for claimant. �Dbaut, d. s. This suit and the foregoing one are for a similar cause against the same vessel, and were heard togelher. It is brought to en- force the payment of $33, alleged to be due the libellant as half pilotage upon an ofler to pilot the Qlenearne, on March 23, 1881, froni Portland to Astoria, and a refusai to accept the same. The ofEer was made on the return trip of the vessel to Astoria and was declined, for the reaaon ��� �