Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/620

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608 fesebal bepobteb. �Gleneame at Astoria he was on Jiis pilotage ground, and thereby he beoame entitled to pilot the vessel, ai least from the moiith of the Wallamet to Portland, or to receive half jiilot- age — two dollars a foot — therefor, if his offer was declinee; The master was not bound to take the Washington territory pnot, although he was the first to speak the vessel, but might in any case do so, if he chose, as far as the mouth of the Wallamet, for which service he would be entitled to pilotage according to the la^ of the territory. But, notwithstanding, he was bound to take the Oregon pilot over that portion of the voyage or pilotage ground within the limits of the state of Oregon, or pay him half pilotage on account of the offer and refusai. Between Astoria and Portland the Columbia and Wallamet rivers are a pilotage ground for the Oregon river pilots, but the pilotage ground of the Washington pilots stops at the mouth of the latter. By the employment of an Oregon pilot at Astoria the. voyage between the two places may be made with one pilot and for one pilotage. But if the master chooses to incur the expense of double pilotage, he may employ a Washington pilot from Astoria to the mouth of the Wallamet, and an Oregon pilot from thence to Portland. But he can not evade the offer, or its effect, of the Oregon pilot to conduct his vessel over any part of his pUot ground within the exclusive jurisdiction of his state, by employing a Washington pilot on the Columbia river to conduct him to the Wallamet, and from there accompany him to Portland. �The libellant is entitled to recover the amount claimed, with legal interest and costs. ��� �