Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/683

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HOLMES V. OBBOEN db CHEESUAM CO. 671 �heard to eay, "My crediter might have learned that I intended to defraud bim," if he bad searcbed the fecords or made inquiry. ' �Tbe crediter bas a right to rely upon all the property of the debtor whicb in law or equity is liable for the debt, and this includes such as may have been conveyed witb a view to deprive bim of bis remedy. The crediter is entitled to wbat- ever remedy by judgtuent, execution, and the sale of property be Vfovla have enjoyed bad the fraudaient conveyance never been made. As to bim, it is void beeanse intended to defrand bim, and because, if not set aside, he would be deprived of a substantial right, to-wit, the right to levy upon and sell the property conveyed for the payment of bis debt. The authorities cited by «ounsel for respondents, rigbtly understood, are net in conflict witb this doctrine. If they were, I would not follow them. �The decree of the district court will be affirmed. ���HoLUES, BeoTH k Hatdens v. Osbobn & Gheesu an Go. �{(Xreuit Oourt, 2). Conneeticut. Becember 11, 1880.) �. PaTEHT No. 209,701— BuCKLBS—yAWDITr—lNPBINGEMENT. �Letters patent No. 209,701," grantedNovember 6, 1878, to George W. McGill, for improved buckles,- Jidd, valid. Complainaut'a device, consisting of a fftstening-plate hinged to the eross-bar of an ordina- Tily-constructed buckie, with its base terminatlng in a central single prong, and a prongpierced and extending.fromits body portion, both prongs i)eing bent at right angles to such plate tq enter the article to' •which the bnckle is to be attached through slits eut therein on Unes parallel -with each other, and clamp such articles by being bent down on eitherside, hM, infringed by a buckie containing a similarly-con- structed plate hinged to two-houscd jownaAs, and not infringed by a buckie with its f astening-plate terminating in a single central prong, with t-»o prongs pierced, and extenditig ^om its body portion not in the same longitudinal line. , �In Equity. • George E.Terry,I0T ^IwixiiE. Charles' B'.' Tilden, ioi deienkani. ' ��� �