Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/736

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72e FEDERAL REPORTER. �the end bars are notelevated above the aide bars so as not to coma in contact with tliem, but reat directly upon the side bars, and that the angle irons of the defendant's frame are not adjusted to hold the end bars above the side bars free from contact ; and in riew of the lim- itations to be necessarily place on the complainant's patent because of the State of the art, — Md, that the defendants do not inf ringe. �In Equity. �Gohurn e Thackcr, for complainaut. �West e Bond, for defendants. �Dyeb, D. 3. This is a suit in equity for an injunotion, and to recover damages on account of the alleged infringement of certain re-issned letters patent granted to the complainant, May 29, 1877, for an improvement in bedstead f rames, of which J. M. Famham was the inventor and original patentee. In the specifications of the re-issue the patentee describes the invention as follows : �" My invention relates to a new fram'3 whioh is providod with an elastic or flexible sheet or fabric *or the support of the bedding. The frame is made of proper size to be inserted withinanyoidinary bedstead. My invention consisfs in the combination of the side bars and end bars, wit}^ the end bars elevated above the side bars in such a manner that the elastic fabric, stretched from end bar to eind bar, can extend the entire width of the frame over the side bars, and an elastic fabric attached to the end bars only of the frame ; and it also consista in the combination of the side bars and end bars of the frame connected together by standards or corner irons, B. By this arrangment the fabric is securely held. * « * It will be observed that the purpose of thia method of attaching the fabric to the frame is to give to the fabric its greatest elasticity, by attaching it at its ends only, and at the aame time making it as nearly the f ull size of the frame as could bo well done, while it is aubstantially free from contact with the frame when used, excepting at its ends, where it is rigidly se- cured to the end bars." �More detailed description of the device in the specifications �is as follows : �"To the enda of each side bar are secured, by means of bolts, a, a, upward projecting standards, B, B, made of metal or other suitable mate- rial. These bolts pass through short longitudinal slota in the standarda, whereby the latter may be adjusted to stretch the cloth when desired. These standards are groovcd, or have ribs on their inner sides by whioh the ends of the end bara, O, O, are held. The end bars connect the side bars and thfT standards with each other. Each end bar is made of two pieces or .^ars, i and c, both of equal and full length. Between them are held the ��� �