Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/763

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piiANT ». avm, T5I �The plaintiff has moved to remand it, and it has been iieard opon this motion. �The principle controversy relates to the title to the land, to which Fessenden is not alleged to make any olaim. As the fraud of the corporation is set up to defeat the title acquired from it, the corporation is a proper, if not a neces- sary, party to the bill; and, where a corporation is a party, under such circumstances its officers are proper parties in order to obtain discovery frpm them, but they aire not necessary parties. Here, in this suit, is this contrpversy about the title to this land, upon one side of which is a citi- zen of Yermont, and on the other oitizens of others states, which can be fully determined as between them without the presence of the other parties. Such a suit is removable by any of the defendants actually interested in such controversy under the act of March 3, 1875. This has lately been de- termined by the supreme court of the United States. Bar- ney V. LatAam, Chic. Leg. News, May 21, 1881. �Motion overruled. �The plaintiS has leare to amend the bill according to suggestions therein, as moved for on the hearing of the motion, at any time before July rule-day, without prejudice to the injunction and receivership now in force ; and the defendants have leare to answer the bill as it may be ameuded, at any time before Auguat rule-day. ���Plant and others v. Gunh and others. �(Otreuit Gowt, 8. D. Qeorgia, W. O. May 13, 1881.' �JDDSMKNTB— NoTICE-tGoDB OF Gbokgia, j 267. �The object of the book pf complete record, which the cierfs. of each superior court in Georgia is required to keep by paragraph 6,: i 267, of the Code of Qeorgia, for " the record of all the proceedings in all civil cases, within six months after the final detel<aiiilatit)n thereof," is not to give notice of liens by judgment. The failure bf the clerk to keep such book, or to record a judgment therein;, does not aflEect the constructive notice conveyed by a judgment regularly entered, as required by law, on the declaration in the case, where the execution issued thereon is regularly docketed.for the full amount'oif ■ ��� �