Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/780

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768 FEDSBAL BBFOBTEB. ���Consolidated Safbty-Yalte! Go. v. Gbosby STEAM-GAxraE & �Valtb Go. �{Circuit Uov/rt, D, MassacAusetta. April 30, 1881.^ �1. Patents Nos. 58,294 and 85,963, �Patents Nos. 58,294 and 85,963, granted to George W. Riohardson for improvements in safety-valves for steam-boilers, A«i(i, not infringed by valves constructed under patents Nos. 159,157and 160,167, granted to George H. Crosby. �2. Bamk — Inpbingbkbnt. �Safety-valves containing the principlea of additional area for the pressure of steam, and a stricture causing It to act by its ezpansive force, not being original with Richardson, he could not, whatever the ■words of his claim, enjoin the use of valves resembling his own only in its adoption of these ideas. �3. Samb — Sasib — Claim — CoNSTntrcTioir. �If the defendant has taken the complainant's invention, the court will endeavor to construe the claim to conform with that faot. �Complainant's device, consisting of aa annulur chamber outside the ground joint of the valve so regulated by the opening as to " hud- die ' ' the steam when it begins to escape, assist it to open more wldely, and not interfere with its rapid f all bef ore the loss of too much steam, hdd, in the state of the art, not infringed by defendant's device, com- posed of a primary and supplemental valve, both within the shell, the latter (which furnishes an additional area for the action of the steam when the valve is in operation) resting on a chamber closed at the bottom, with outlets to the exterior of the shell, the size of which openings may be so adjusted by a sleeve on the shell's exterior as to cause the escaping steam to exert more or less difCerential pressure on the supplemental valve. �In Equity. �T. W. Clarke, Benj. Dean, and Geo. Stieffield, for oom- plainant. �W. A. Herrick and J. H. Millett, for defendant. �LowELii, G. J. The complainant charges against the de- fendant an infringement of two patents granted to G-eorge W. Eichardson, for improvements in safety-valves for steam- boilers; one dated September 25, 1866, No. 58,294, and the other, January 19, 1869, No. 85,963. The former patent is the important one; the other is for a device to assist in adjusting certain parts of the patented valve. Eichardson's ��� �