Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/844

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832 FEDERAL REFO£TBB. �and this is not such a case. Even if this was a salvage case the- boat and her cargo were reeoued from the peril, or conld haTO been so rescued in a few hours. She would have been perfectly safe if the patchiug and caulking finally done on Wednesday had been done on Sunday or Monday moming. As a salvage claim the libellant's demaud bas been grossly exaggerated. He contrived, with the aid of the master, an antedated agreement to sustain bis claim after it was dis- puted ; and instead of " doing wbat he now pretends was nec- essary to make the salvage service complete at once, he delayed doing it till he could, if possible, coerce the owner of the cargo into compliance with an unreasonable demand. He is apparently acting with the owner of the boat to throw the expanse wholly on the owner of the cargo. �Although the boat was also attached on the process, she has been voluntarily released, and no decree has been entered against her. The circumstanees tend to show collusion between the owner of the boat and the libellant, although they deny any understanding prejudicial to the interests of the owner of the, cargo. The acts of both these parties have been highly prejudicial to those interests. If the libellant ever had a claim for salvage he is entitled to no considera- tion therefor in a court of admiralty, but has forfeited bis right to enforee it against the property. The Lady Worsley, 2Spinks, 266. �Libel dismissed, with oosts. ��� �