Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/859

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NEW HAV^N, ETC., SAW-MILL 00. V. BECURITY INS. 00. SeT �being at all confident that I correctly appreciate the meaning oif this remarkable statute, my conclusion is that in attempt- ing to mark out the procedure for enforcing the penalties authorized by the several preeeding sections of the act it was designed to permit a civil action for the penalties with quasi criminal procedure in enforcing the judgment. The action, therefore, was properly brought in the name of the United States as the party plaintiff. �Inasmach as the verdict was iu part predicated upon proof that the remuneration exacted by the defendant was received for providing seamen with employment in foreign ships, there niust be a new trial. ���New Haven Stbam Saw-Mill Co. z>. Seoubitt Ins. Co. �(District Court, D. Vonnedieut. June 25, 1881.) �1. Marine Poucr— "Atlantic Coast "— Gonstkuction. �A marine policy of insurance was issued on a vessel "to be employed in the coasting trade on the United States Atlantic coast ; pennitted to use gulf porta net west of New Orleans," in which the' assured warranted net to use ports and places in Texas, except Gai- veston, nor foreign ports and places in, the Gulf of Mexico. The ves- sel was lost in the Gulf of Mexico, west of New Orleans, while on a voyage from Maine to Morgan City, Louisiana, a place west of New Orleans. Hdd : �(1) That the meaning of the policy was that the vesael was to be employed on the United States Atlantic coast, which was the coast of the Atlantic ocean, and not the Gulf of Mexico. �(2) That the permission to use' gulf ports not west of New Orleans, did not extend the coasting trade through the gulf, and the vessel was, therefore, upon a voyage not permitted by the tenns of the pol- icy, and the assiired could not recover. �Louis H. Bristol and Henry Stoddard, for plaintiff. �John W. Alling, for defendant. �Shipmah, D. J. This is an action upon a policy of marine insurance. The agreed statement of facts shows that the only question in the case is whether the wrecked veoEfel was ��� �