Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/88

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���.I,UI ' ���plaintiffs, so thatyit vas thereby rendered uppc^sibje for the defe?)dant, without any negligei^cie on its part^to procure a vessel or vessels to can;y the flour within what;would be, undpr usual circumstances, a re.asonable time,-^tlieji the de- fendant would not be responsible for the consequences of such delay. On the other hand, the time the defendant con- tracted to carrythis , flour, there vas already an accunaulation or press, of Ijusiottess on its Uijie?, Tfhich iaifta|j9,citated the ,de- f ^^dant, pr oiiight reaso^ably bei:expe^ted t<) inea^qi\%^^ it, for pftcjfqrrtiin^ it ^, ^uty ,by d^)i y^ring, thf flop,r; jp-, Lop^Oft ^ithin aficeaeonahle.tim^, aii§ i,his ;Y^aa^,]l^liQlW^,JM^,p^^^a;^^p^i^nt at tl/LPj |tii0.e,;or ,piigl^t; H^e ^eepj^ftp^ji pi.^<]^^ 1% propei; �t}^ft %rc^;^ 4»ty>if,iiiEO^I4]i^f#[tt%nMrM'^ift ^|ip �st^i|^es,wi.thin itskpovJedg9,.^or^')Y^t^ip(its4a^fi^i^d;r^q^pnaW

^eap.3j,j0if l^nowi^dg^, c^d jOjOt.i-syj^hifl .the^ ,kijio,w,l^^gp ,.,ojfi tl^e

sh^j^.f r,> .tljS'i way i^icap^ji^itate^ P^M^I. )^fl ■.. P^ll' ^f pepted. ;tO; irxjcatpacit^te it ior the full p,erf9ripaMce,pf at8^4wty ;iu;:the tran^po^l^tio:!?,. .of prope|c|ty, aod tlieij,.(c][3ini, ex€^ptiQIii:Crpm lialality; , Whe.thfir, upon thjs gues,tiQn, the faots ip,^]|ii^, case are aSiClaimed by th.e plaint^^or.^s ejaimed bytiie Refend- ant, you are to determine, and f,or this, jtuifppse you will iook into the evidence. , i ■ > �Thereis testimpny on the subject of the increa^e of traffic on the defendant's road, ar^d the accumulation of freight at ��� �