Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/920

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908 FBDEBAIi BBPOBTBB. �tle. It would seem to follow from this statement of the case, and in view of the further fact that it hr^d been common to arm varions fences other than wire with points or prickers, that it was not competent for any inventer to do more than to claim his own special method of forming and affixing the barb which he had devised. �Applying these principles to the Hant original and re-issued patent, we can give to them a proper construction. Hunt invented a particular kind of spur-wheel, which he strung upon the wires of a fence, a description of which he gives in his original specifications. They were small-spur wheels, the spurs being sharpened ; the wheels were provided with open- ings at their centers for the, wire to pass through. Com- paring the text of the original and re-issue together, it will be seen that the original Hunt patent was for a "hew and usefulimprovement in fences." The same is stated in the re-is8ue. The material differences between the specifications of the original and re-issue seem to be these: In the re- issue it is said, referring to the drawing : "D represents single spurs secured to the wires." That iS not in the orig- inal specifications. In the original specifications it is said : "Tfafe spurS fit the \7ire loosely, so as to revolve easily upon iti" In the re-issue "the spur- wheels may fit the wire loosely, so as to revolve easily upon it." In the original it says: '•The spurs may be kept in their places, or at suitable dis- tances apart, by means of flanges." In the re-issue refer- ence is made at the end of the word "flanges" to a letter A, <iontained in the drawings. In the original theclaim is : "Pro- viding the wires of a wire fence with a series of spur-wheels, substantially as and for the purposes set forth." In the re- issue the claim is: "A fence wire provided with spurs for the purpose specified. " While it is true that in the re-issue it is said D represents single spurs secured to the wire, and they are contained in the drawings of the re-issue, yet the drawings of the original patent contain single spurs, repre- sented on the wire. The same is in the re-issue, although no reference is made to them in the specifications. �Considering the drawings, the specifications, and the ��� �