Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/922

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94,10 FEPEBAL BBPOETEB. �or a douWe wire. Thi^ patentee intended that these barbs should Jbe stationary upon the wire. Nothing need be said of anything described orclaimed in the patent except what refers to the wire and barb part of the fence. The pecu- liarity of the barbs of this fence is that they are eut in a diamond form from a plate, by machincry or othewise, and each provided witlj a.hole, so asto be etrung on the wire at proper distances apart, and then they are oompressed laterally upon the wire, by a blow of a hanimer or ptherwise, so as to fasten them upon th^ wire. �The following are the material differences between the orig- inal and the re-issue of the Kelly patent : In speaking of figure 1 of thedrawing the re-i^sue refers to the use of single wires, and of figure 2 as a double wire. The drawings in both re-is8ue and original are the same, and these words, single and double wire, are additions in the specifications of the re-isBue, In the re-issue, ip speaking of the desirable- ness of inereasing the strength of the wire, theword "can," used in the original, is left ont lu the re-issue; and in^tead of saying, "I can lay another wire," the re-issue says, "I lay another wire." In speaking of the representation in figure 2, in the re-issue, it says, "it looks the thom;" the words in the original being, "it tends to insure a regularity in the distribution of the points in many different directions;" and in the re-issue, "it looks the thom, and alao tends to insure a regularity in the distribution of the points in many different directions." �In the original there are three olaims. The third claim is identical in the original and in the re-issue. In the original the first and second claims read; �"First. The thorns, E, produced by dies or otherwise in the form sub- stantially as represented, and adapted to be secured in place upon a wire by compression, latterly, both of the thom and wire, as and for the pur- poses herein set forth. �"Second. The thoms, E, and wire, D, combined in the manner repre- sented, and adapted for use in a fence as herein set forth." �In the re-issue the first, second, and fourth olaims read : "First. X claim the combinatiori substantialiy as described of the fenoe wire, B,' and a series of thoms, E, rigidly flxed thereto, for the iiurpose hereia; set forth. ��� �