Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/95

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GBAI i;. hinton. C§ �rc|9(^jVftS,to have Ijeea finished. ,It is fl,Uegeditb%t,tti(e.grftd». iag ^ma cpmpleted. accordicg to the contraot, but it ,% : no.^ £pjl,^e,d tba^ji the road.^as fiiiisl^ed. The question jswhether,- under the contr,act, plaintiff can recover for the grading ■syitb- out allegiog that ibe bas finisbed the roadj or offerii^ sqme sufficiej;it excuse fc^ bis failiure to ^o so; or, in other wordsi we are to consider wbether- the agreemept to do the gradii^g waS; a contract separate and distinct from and independentjOf; the agreement to fiiiisb the road, so that the plaintiff can sue; iippn the cpntrapt and :^ecov«r for the grading withoutjalleg-^ ing coippliance, o^: readiaess t<J qoinpiy, with the, other pp,rt of, the agreement. Speaking of the "entirety pf 'eontiactSj" Mr, Parsons says: ' ,. �i;"iihe question whether acontraci Is eotire or separable is of ten of gre^tin^poi'^iic^ Any contract ma^ consist of many parts; and these' may be cpiifii^Ci'ed as parts of one wholc^ or.^a so m^ny distinct coatract». entere4 into p(t one tiipe and expressed in the same instrument, but not therebjr taiade'one contrafct. No preMse i-ule can he gtven by Whiell this questibn in- a'giVen. caste may bescittli^. Like ttKjfst'Other^questiollsef^ cons^ructi<>n, it dep^ds upon the Int^iitioa of thei parties, atV^vtliis^Vst be discovered in each case by ccnsidering the language employee and the. stibjeCt-iiatterof thecontiict." 2 Pars. 6on. 517. , �From 'tfb^t appeaiis, upon tb&iace, of this contract we are! to determine whether it was the intention pf the parties tk> m^ke one eontract for the construction of a^^ailroad» or two SQparate,contract^,-;-rone fqr the gr9.ding, and the» other fof the: bridging, tying, a^ jroiiing pf the rpadway through thepre- cincts of Ohio and FaJls City. It seems pretty olear that the> subject-njatter pf the contrac.t-.wasan eptiretyi to-witi:a oom/r pleted railrpad, , The case iSjnot likp many yfe find cited in the books, in whipbijiwo or more separate and.distiact arti- cles of property are sold and conveyed by a single jnstrumenty fo^ separate and distinct ; priocts, atpne and thp same time. InBucb cases: it often appeaj:s that thepurchase of pacb ftj^ti^. cle .^('as ,a ftep^jal^e ajad. distincji transactionjcajad int^nded to be 80 regarded by the parties; j;p the eontract» There isri^n sucb'casc8,.i)0 necessaTy cpnnection bptween the sever^l, arti- cles spld ai^4:uQu'vi«[?ed; yTbpre is nothing fromwbicliiticail bejinferred.^tljftti^twag.nQt.tba intention pf, the purchsserto ��� �