Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/97

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fendants bound themselves to pay a certain sum of money, provided plaintiff's assignoi, ^the railroad company, would complete a certain railroad ; bqt there is nothing in the con- tract to bind the company to complete the road. The per- formance» of the con tract byi the railroad comjiany would avoid this' objection. .THe'rale is' that where one pdrty agtees to pay a certain sum ^f jn:j,oney, if .^.nptlier,pp,rty will 5q. cer- tain acts, the iatter ia not. bound i but the agreenDentiof the formei"nlay be eonsidered-as'a' re<iuest to the latter'to do -the acts named, and the doing of tlie' acts is an asseni, and' the promise i\ier^^'1^i^6orsi^^'^r^uixi^ j^nd obligatoryC^ .Bjj|*^^6is case presfliiitiaIIft^flt^cesiioft.'vibMlp^c, a ;^^rt,mmmfi^i^ » part of '^e •actsspfecified; and ia^^taiiore' to perform'^attotiibr'-p&rt, wiir-aM'w'erffi^^i^ectibii tbat^'thei'e isWm.mMf:^hQ ruie is that performance is an assent),tg;.t(^q,,tgVBtie(.BCPB9l^<ii ^}^\l^}^^^i of ,99 ai^^bpritjj.fojr jj?e,psqpp,c]it^n ,t)jfl;.^ ,pas^,pfr^ formance will > iaHiassent.i! See/43'iOhiQif^ii94, Whfereit' is idIBti&ctly ^h^eld ■ thWt ""tffi&'l'uio at)feS'«of aMl'ar to �^he cjoj}J8i4wa,tiofl< a^dis|^fiwsllnQ,aftfteftt;t«>,ilibeidteTOJa «li.the oontraeei" -y- Tbe"pierfori3iaiieieiiJi^ ^hte pattytDJT#fefliftlie offer i^'iiiaae tatee^the'piafye ifa'foi^a^ae%feiice6ffa'e'i^^^ tiori^,;ti|;r^cji;, biit q, ,p,a:c]l{i pej;fpj;n;,a^cic,, ^jJil)jjut„9,i;i,,Q;^er to nmk« iulliperfojrmanoe, isi/not-anacdepiatifee, noJiDaore than a» ia.ccfeptantte' iti #fittng of a paie't'OI a'^io^oeftio&'couia' be regarded as an acceptance of the whole. In such a case, '^hate:vner jrhfi rights of. tbsiplai»tiff, wigMi b^nij a jsuitflppn the qmn;^umf. mr.ifif, be; h^s i np jyjgbti jpf : action -apo»; the . conH tract itfie^lf. ,,,;], ^;,; ;,.,;m v,. j,:- ■'. ■ ■<' .■;!■■■., :,>:.i'- The demurrer totlje, petition, isfiustained; : i ��� �