Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/99

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UNITED STATES, V. BBAWNER. 8? �bi-ought to Memphis, before the cUstifict judge, whefa;;^^ stated that he could give bond forasmaller sum than $5,0001 but eould not for that amount. On hia, oaith be, st^ted-that he himself had no property except two smill townliOts/iWii^th about $75, but that his father>:iipon -whom he reliied, for/ bail,' owned about 240 acres of land aud necessary farming stock, the land being assessed for taxes at about;$.8,pr $10 per.aei'e. . John B. Glough, Ass't Dist. Att'y, for the. United States. ' �T. B. Turley, for defendant. �Hammond, D. J. It is apparen,t that the bail required by the commissioneris excessive, andjithe eighth aropfldtnent :of the constitution' 18 a guaranty- against excessive i bail. Itis objected that the action of the commissioner cannot l*6!)rp7 viewed by the district judge on thia application,. ;no}:,4:he:fbaii jreduced by him, except upon /lo&cas corpws, \yhen, ,it is ao% cedea, the case could be reviewed and the baili,.;|<j4i^di. Hurd. Hab. Corp. 436; Jmes v. Kelly, 17 Mass; ;ll'g;(;JI;P Kaine, 3 Blatchf. e; iieMo«ftw, :5jJBlatch|..3Qi3,;iic fffiW'flh Id. 4143 -ReiSto^i?, 12 Blatchf. .501; iB« M<iDon^U, U -BlatQhf; X7e';Re.Van Campen, 2 Ben, 421 ;. C7. S. V. Blqomgmt, ,7 ipt» JRev. Eec. 148. -, .. i,- n q,;; ■:■ :.,:■, ,/m. ■■n^):-; �Whetheri on habeas corpm,, ih.^, c^ourt or «jadge hasi plenaary power to revio'v^ or supervise the action of the coipnijttiigg njag- istrate I do not find it. necessaj;y; tq determine. IfAe caja_gp pnly to the extent of reducing the bail ia ex,cessiye, th^tt .would be sufficient here, and the ju^gci could ad vise QX dijccct a writ oi. habeas corpus, if necessary to; sustain )^a ajjthpiirity to reduce excessive bail. But I have oorpe t;o ^he eo^plusipifi that, without any wrifrof fea&eas corpus, the judg© pf the dis.- trict, acting under the authority of section 1014,ftf .thie Ee- vised Statutes,,has ample power to reduee the , bail,r if )ae ihinks it excessive, aud ta reyiew the actio)i oif J^e comnoisr sioner, or otherjCojmmittingimagistratey on .ajproceoding(Un<ii^ that section. :., ; ■ ■,,!>.(■ [):■. ;,; ,.i' -i �The very purpoae of oonferring the^ po^/i^isto, secHifa the judieialr sanctiop of,a supei^visory judgeifeji |he aetiop of the .cqjnmitting magistrate, sq.impprtanii.iaiicfta^itciii as. that Qf .iPnjLOving a citizenfrom .one istate qr district to, ^pqtheii ff>]c ��� �