Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/12

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xn ���CASES BEPOBTED, ���Page Baker& Co. , Boykin, Carmer & Co.v. 699 Barnes & Gatto, a.merican Ballast �Log Ck). of New York v 465 �Boykin, Canner & Co. v. Baker & �Co 699 �Flanagin v. Thompson 177 �Thompson, Flanagin v 177 �CiHcuiT Court, W. D. Nobth Caboi-ina. �Howell, United States ▼ 674 �United States v. Howell 674 �District Court, W.D.North Caroi/Ina. �Buchanan, United States V 689 �United States v. Buchanan 689 �District Court, E. D. Vieoinia. Pacific, The 120 ���FIFTH CIECUIT. �CmcuiT Court, W. D. Aiabama. �Moody, Warren v 673 �Warren v. Moody 673 �Circuit Court, S. D. Qeorgia. �Clark, March, Priee <& Co. v 753 �March, Priee & Co. v. Clark 753 �District Court, 8. D. Gkorgia. B, C. Terry, The 920 �Circuit Court, E. D. Louisiana. �Aiken, Leather» v 679 �Alabama Gold Life Ins. Co. v. Ji- �rardy 142 �Arbo V. Brown 318 �Blanks, Bspey v 432 �Brown, Arbo v 318 �Butchers' Union Live-stock Landing & Slaughter-house Uo., Crcscent City Live-stock Landing & Slaugh- �ter-house Co. v 743 �Choteau.The 211 �Crescent City Live-stock Landing & Slaughter-house Co. v. Butchers' Union Live-stock Landing & �Slaughter-house Co 743 �Delambre, The 775 �Ellis, Marvin v 367 �Espey V. Blanks 432 ���P»g» �Qirardy, Alahama Gold Life Ins. �Co. V 142 �Golden Rule, The 334 �Hancock v. Holbrook 353 �Holbrook, Hancock v 353 �H. & C. Newman v. Richardson. ... 865 �Kirk V. Lewis 645 �Leathers v. Aiken 679 �Letchford v. Richardson & Cary.... 865 �Lewis, Kirk v 646 �Marvin v. Ellis 367 �Milliken v. Ross 855 �Oglesby v. Sillom 860 �Prince Leopold, The 333 �Richardson, H. & C. Newman t.... 865 �Richardson & Cary, Letchford v. . . . 866 �Richmond, The 863 �Ross, Milliken v 855 �Sillom, Oglesby v 860 �District Court, E. D. Louisiana. �Eighty-seven Blocks of Marble,Tum- bull, Martin & Co. v 320 �Turnbull, Martin & Co. v. Eighty- seven Blocks of Marble 320 �Circuit Court, S. D. Mississippi. �Duncan, Tucker v 867 �General Tompkins, The 620 �Old Natchez, The 478 �Tucker V. Duncan 867 �District Court, S. D. Mississippi. �.Josephine Spangler, The 773 �Old Natchez,:The 476 �Circuit Court, W. D. Tbxab �Reading, Still & Bro. v 40 �Still&Bro. V. Reading 40 ���SIXTH CIRCUIT. �Circuit Court, D. Kentuckt. �Foree & Co. , Miller & Worley v 603 �Meyer & Hay v. Norton & Oalhoun. 433 �Miller & Worley v. Foree & Co 603 �Norton & Calhoun, Meyer & Hay v.. 433 �Louisville City R. Co.,"Sayles v 612 �Sayles V. Louisville City R. Co 612 �Circuit Court, E. D. Miohigan, Copeland, MolJermott v 636 ��� �