Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/3

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OASES KEPORTED. ���Page Adams v. Howard 347 �Aiken, Leatliers v 679 �Alabama Qold Life Ins. Co. v. Qi- �rardy 142 �Albanv Oity Nat. Bank v. Maher. . . 884 �Albright, Pratt V 634 �Alcona, The 172 �Alexander v. Galt 149 �AUis, Downton v 766 �Allis V. Stowell 304 �American Ballast Log Co. of New �York V. Barnes & tiatto 465 �Anchoria, The 840 �Ansonia Brass & Copper Co., West- ern Electric Manuf g Co. v 706 �Appointment of Supervisors of Elec- tion, In re 14 �Arho V. Brown 318 �Atlantic Giant Powder Co. v. Ditt- �mar Powder Manuf 'g Co 316 �Austria, The 916 �Averill Chemical Paint Co. v. Na- tional Mixed Paint Co 462 �Bailej, Brooks v 438 �Baker & Co. , Boykin, Carmer & Co.v. 699 �Ballou, Strettell v 2,'i6 �Barnes v. Hartford Pire Ins. Co 813 �Barnes & Gatto, American Ballast �Log Co. of New York v 46.5 �Bate Kefrii^erating Co. v. G-illett ... 387 �B. C. Tcrry, The 920 �Belgenland, The 126, 576 �Bernard v. Heimann 400 �Berrian v. Clietwood 678 �Bignall, In re 38.'5 �Bing, Hunker v 277 �Bixby, United States v 78 �Black V. Scott 186 �Blanks, Eapc;y v 432 �Blatherwick v. Carey 202 �Boyliiii, Carmer & Co. v. Baker & �Co 699 �Brewis v. City of Duluth and Village �of Duluth 747 �V. 9— Fed. ���Pags Bright, In re 491 �Brockway v. Mutual Beneflt Life 1ns. �Co 249 �Brooks V. Bailey , 438 �Brown v. Jefferson County Nat. �Bank 258 �Brown v. Pliiladelphia, Wilmington �& Baltimore R. Co 183 �Brown, Arbo v 318 �Brown, Davis v 647 �Bruce v. Gibson 540 �Bucbanan, United States V 689 �Buckeye, The 666 �Buell V. Cincinnati, Efflngham & �Qiiincy Construction Co 351 �Burgess, United States V... 896 �Butchers' Union Livc-stock Landing & Slaughter-house Co., Crescent City Live-stock Landing & Slaugh- ter-house Co. V 743 �Cahill, United States v 80 �Campbell v. The Mayor, etc., of �New York 500 �Carey, Blatherwick v 202 �Carnrick, McKesson v 44 �Cary, In re 754 �Cass V. Manchester Iron & Steel Co. 640 �Cassen, Dederick v 306 �Central Vcrmont R. Co., Dwight v.. 785 Central Vermont K. Co., Griswold v. 797 �Cetewayo, The 717 �Chalmers Spence Patent Non-con- �ductor Co. V. Pierce 152 �Chase v. United States 862 �Chctwood, Berrian v 678 �Chicago Packing & Provision Co. , �Wilson Packing Co. v 547 �Chittenden v. Thannhauser 226 �Cliotcau,The 211 �Cincinnati, Efflngham & Quincy �Construction Co, Buell V 351 �Citv of Duluth & Village of Duluth, �lirewis v 747 �City of Elizabeth, Moran v 72. �(iill ��� �