Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/5

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CASES REPOKTED. ���'^ ���Page �Illingworth v. Spaulding 611 �Illingworth v. Spaulding, Jennings & Co 154 �Indiannpolis & St. Louis R. Co., Keep V 625 �Indianapolis & Springfleld R. Co., Platchv 856 �Insurance Company of North Amer- ica V. St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Ry. Co 811 �Irwin V. Metropolitan Telephone & Telegraph Co 517 �Isaac Bell, The 842 �Jackson, In re 493 �James Jacljson, The 614 �Jarvis, Wiswell v 84 �Jefferson Co. Nat. Bank, Brown v.. 258 �John Cuttrell, The 777 �Johnson v. PhiladeJphia, Wilming- �ton & Baltimore K. Co 6 �Josephine Spangler, The 773 �J. M. W. Jones Stationery & Print- �ing Ce, Shannon v 205 �Kansas Pacific Ry. Co., Hudson v . . 879 Keep Y. Indianapolis & St. Louis R. �Co 625 �Keep V. Union Railway & Transit �Co 625 �Kellogg, Sawyer v 601 �Kells V. McKenzie 284 �Kennedy v. Hartranft 18 �Kerr, McConnochie v 60 �Kirk V. Lewis 645 �Langdon, Mitchell v 472 �La Plata Mining & Smelting Co., �McGowan v 861 �Lauretta, The 622 �Lawrence v. Morrisania Steam-boat �Co 208 �Leathers v. Aiken 679 �Leszynsky v. Merritt 688 �Letchford v. Richardson & Cary. . . . 865 �Leverich, United States v 481, 586 �Levi Davis, The 715 �Lewis, lierdsman v 853 �Lewis, Kirk v 645 �Livermore, Cross v 607 �Lomax, Putnam v .... 448 �Louisville City R. Ce, Bifyles v 512 �Macauley v. White Sewing-machine �Co 698 �Maher, Albany City Nat. Bank v. . .. 884 �Malone, United States V 897 �Manchostei lron& Steel Co., Udss v. 640 �Manning v. San Jacinto Tin Go 726 �March, Price & Co., v. Clark 753 �Marsh v. Union Pacific Ry. Co.... 873 �Marvin v. Ellis 367 �Mary C. Conery, The 222 ���Page �Maxheimer v. Meyer 460 �Maxheimer, Meyer v 99 �Mayor, etc., of New York, The, �Campbell v 600 �McCloskey v. Du Bois 38 �McConnochie v. Kerr 50 �McDcrmott v. Copeland 536 �McGowan v. La Plata Mining & �Smelting Co 861 �McKenna, In re 27 �McKenzie, Kells v 284 �McKesson v. Carnrick 44 �Mead, Platt v 91 �Mechanic,Tlie 536 �Memphis & Charleston R. Co. , Hall v. 585 Memphis & Charleston R. Co., Rob- �inson, McLeod & Co. v 129 �Merritt, Leszynsky v 688 �Metropolitan Telephone & Telegraph �Co. , Irwin v 517 �Meyer v. Maxheimer 99 �Meyer, Maxheimer v 460 �Meyer & Buy v. Norton & Calhoun. 433 �Miller & Worley v. IToree & Co 603 �Milliken v. Ross 855 �Mills, United States v 684 �Mitchell V. Langdon 472 �Moline Plow Co. , Fattee v 821 �Moody, Warren v 673 �Moran v. City of Blizabeth 72 �Morrisania Steam-boat Ce, Law- rence v 208 �Murpliy, United States v 26 �Murrayv. White 562 �Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co., Brock- way V 249 �Nahor, The 213 �National Feather Duster Co. v. Hib- bard 658 �National Mixed Paint Ce, Averill Chemical Paint Co. v 462 �New Haven Steam Saw-mill.Co. v. Sccurity Ins. Co 779 �New York Bung & Bushing Co. v. Hottman 199 �New York Cent. & Hudson River R. Co. , Robinson v 877 �New York Coliee Polishing Co. , New York & Baltimore CofEee Polish- ing Co. V 578 �New York & Baltimore Coflee Polish- ing Co. V. New York Coiiee Polish- ing Co 578 �North Carolina Gold Amalgamating Co.,Coit V 577 �Norton & Calhoun, Meyer & Hay v.. 433 �Ogle.'^by V. Sillom 860 �Old Natchez, The 476, 478 �Onderdonk v. Fanning 106 �O'Neil V. St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern R. Co 337 ��� �