Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/60

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M'KESSON V. PaHNEiQK. 46 �FretZmcfl". JSeto, for plaintiff S. �J(mes Ai Whitney, for defendant. �Blatchford, C. J. This is brought on letters patent granted to Pierre Cauhape, January 3, 1871, for an "improvement in piil ma- chines." The specification states the invention to be an "improve- ment in the manufacture of pills." It says: �" This invention relates to improvements in the manufacture of pills, and it eonsists in the employment, either in a combiiiation with a moulding device for shaping pills, or other holder for them, of a comb-bar with piiis or needles, adapted for inserting a pin in eaeh mould cavity fertaking the puis and dipping them in the coating solution, and a clamp and stripper for taking them from the needles and redipping them, for filling and covering: the oa,v4ties formed by the pins, all asbereinafter described. Figure 1 is a transverse section of the mould and the devicp for taking them therefrom!' Figure 2 is a side View of the device for taking the pills from the mollld and dipfping them; alsoa sectioiial view of the bath, showiug the 'manner of dip'ping them. FiguteS is a perspective View of the clamp, stripper, and the device for taking tiiem from the mould, showlng the manner ofstripping them., Figur^ ^ J^ a side, elev*- tion of the claipp ; , apd figure 5 i^ a face view; of the same. afail^ letters of reference indicate corresponding parts. �"The pills are to be formed in a mould or flask. A, eompqsed df two pai*t^, either hiiiged together or hot, each having a part of the cavlties, of which there may be auy convenient number, and from each cavity a groove exiiettdfa to One side, so that where the twOiparts 4f the mould are close4.i;togetliw a pin may be thrust into the pill for removing and holding it; and ip.con,- nection with this mould a comb-bar, B, is used, having as many pins or needles, C, as there are cavities projecting from it, the same distance apart as tte cavities, for inserting into said cavities and taking the pills therefrom. 1?he mould is then opened, the pills removed on the pihs, and inserted in tHe bath of glycerine, or other substance with which they are to be coated. Then, for holding and redipping the pills to fill and cover the cavi,ties lef t by the vijX\ drawal of the pins, I use a clamp composed of the two bars, E, hinged.together as shown in figure 3, and tfie elastic f rictional strips, F, of India rubber or other like substance, the latter being placed on the faces of the said bars, which corne together, when closed, pver cavities, G, made considerably longer than Ihe pills, and opening out through the front edgesof said hinged bars, as clearly shown in figures 3 and 5, in which the pills are inserted by opening the clamp, jh:»- senting them thereto coincident with the cavities while on the plus, and draw- ing the latter back over the stripping-bar, H, placed in front of the clamp^ and having the small grooves, I, in the upper surface, placed in front of the cavities, for guiding the pins of the comb-bar in plaeing the pills in the clamp. The pills are held by the soft, flexible, and elastic strips, F, so that the ends having the holes project, as shown in figure 4, and may be dipped to cover and fill the holes, and then be discharged by opening the clamps. In practice the moulds, comb-bar, clamp, and stripper may be made in any con- venient length, and with any preferred number of holes best calculated to ��� �