Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/63

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48 FEDERAL REPORTER. �eontrol, they being clear and distinct. Moreover, it is not a fair construction of the language of the statement of the invention, in the description, that it requires there should be a combination of the four elements. It speaka of the employment of a comb-bar and needles, iu combination with a moulding device or other holder; and then it speaks of the employment of a clamp and stripper with the needles. The language might admit of a combination of the four, if such a combination could exist; but it equally admits of the two separate eombinationa which are claimed. �The mould shown in the drawings of the plaintiff's patent does; as a receptacle fot or a holder of the piil, act perfectly, with ita groove and the needle and the comb-bar, to produce the resuit specified iii the patent, if the piil be suitable for the holder in size and shape, although the piil be made in another mould. The holder bas certain character- istic features. It is made of two parts, fitted together, which enclose a series of oavities for pills, in which the pills are so held as tO receive, allat the sametime, the needles carried by the comb bar, arid to be removed all together by the needles. A groove extends from each cavity through the body of the holder, and acts as a channel- way and a guide for the needle while it is being thrust into the piil. One part of the holder is removable from the other part in such a way that the removal of it lays bare all the pills in all the cavities and faces all the needles at once, so as to enable all the needles and all the pills to be carried away at the same time by the comb-bar. The comb-bar bas as many needles as there are grooves or cavities or pills, and the needles are the same distance from each other as are the grooves. Thus the needle is accurately guided through and by the groove into the piil. The needle is sharp-pointed, and can enter and remove the piil without injuring it, and is so small that nearly all the surface of the piil can be coated while the piil is on the needle, and the needle can afterwards be removed from the piil without injur- ing it. The apparatus is shown to be a very valuable one in the busi- ness ofsupplying the market with gelatine-coated pills. �The structure used by the defendant, Exhibit No. 3, has a holder, provided with a large number of holes in its surface, to hold pills, the holes being shaped to conform to the shape of the pills and to support the pills properly for the action of the needles. There is also a frame carrying needles, which pass through and are guided by holes or grooves in and through another frame, the points of the needles projecting beyond the latter frame. , There is one hole for each ��� �