Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/634

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PENNSYLVANIA BAILROAD CO. V. GILHOOLET. 619 �pioceeclings in rem, wliero the res had corne into another jurisdiction from that in which proijeeliiigs iiad been commenced, or cases where a sentence of im- piisonment for eonternpt, against a party for non-compliance with a deeree, was asked for, in neitlier of which cases could relief be obtained at common law. �Alfred Driver and J. Warren Coulston, contra, were not called upon. They presented and relied upon Penhallow v. Doane, 3 Dallas, 97; The Jerusalem, 2 Gallison, 191; The Centurion, 1 Ware, 477; Otis V. The Rio Grande, 1 Woods, 279; Wilson v. Graham, 4 Wash. 53. �The court, (Butleb, D. J.) in a verbal opinion, held that it had a general jurisdiction which would enable it in its discretion to enforce the deeree of a foreign admiralty court, at the instance of a party, ■without letters rogatory, and, after directing that the record of the proceedings in New York, duly certified, ahould be attached to the libel, entered subsequently the following deeree: "And now, Novem- ber 11, 1881, the exceptions to the libel filed in the above cause hav- ing, by agreement of the respective proctors, and by leave of the court, been considered and filed as an answer to the libel, and the above cause having been heard on libel and answer, and having been argued by the proctors for the respective parties, and due deliberation being had in the premises, it is ordered, adjudged, and decreed, by the court, that the libellant recover against the respondent the sum of $2,352.05, with interest thereon from the seventh day of February, 188U, said interest amounting to $246.96, making in all the sum of $2,599.01, with costs to be taxed by the elerk and that the libellant have execution therefor against the respondent." ��� �