Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/662

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DAVia V. BROrVH. 647 �Davis and others v. Brown and othera. �{Gircuit Court, 8. D. New York. May 25, 1881.) �1 Eeisstte No. 8,.589— Qraijt Bbilm — Validitt— InpfliiiaEMENT. �Reissued letters patent Noj 8,589, granted Pebruary 18, 1879, to Charles F. Davis, for improvement in grain drills, held valid and infringed. Complain- ant's invention being a grain drill, constnicted to shift or cliange the seeding shoes from a a zigzag Une, or vice versa^ and to admit of their being raised separately or all togetlier, and consisting in Connecting the shoes by means of drag-bars and yokes to a crank-shaft mounted on the forepart of the main frame, and by means of levers, one for each shoe, in such a man- ner to a rear shaf t, actuated by a lever within reach of the operator, as to per- mit of all the shoes being raised simultaneously, such shoe levers having also independant levers or handles, so that each may move irrespective of any other, the lower end of tho operator'g lever having connected to it a rack-bar, taking into a pinion fastened on the end of the crank-sliaft, and, when actuated, shift- ing the shoes into aetraight or zigzag Une, Iield irifringed by defendant's de- vice, in which every asltcrnate shoe is connected to an immovable part of thq frame, and every other alternate shoe is connected to a swinging cross-bar, actuated by a lever at the rear of the machine, to shift the shoes attached to such movable frame or cross-bar, and in which springs are arranged to hold the movable shoea normally in a stfaight line, and urge them into a straighi line, when the power exerted upon the operator's lever in shifting is released. �W. F. Cogswell and S. D. Bentley, for plaintiffs. �B. F. Thurston and Wood e Boyd, for defendants. �Blatchfoed, C. J. This suit is brought on re-issued letters patent No. 8,589, granted to Charles F. Davis and William Allen, February 18, 1879, for an "improvement in grain drills," the original patent having been granted to said Davis, as inventor, February 18, 1868. The following is the specification of the re-iasue, reading what is inside of brackets and what is outside of brackets, omitting what is in italics : �" Figure 1 representa a top plan [or top view] of the drill with the seed-box removed, but its position shown by red [dotted] Unes to show the parts under ■■ neath it. Figure 2 represents the crank-rod or shaft to which the front ends of the drag-bars are attached, when detaclied from the machine. Pigure 3 repre- sents an end view of the drill with the wheels removed, to show the parts behinrt it, and representing, by hlaoli, [f ull aud] dotted, and red lines, the several opera- tive parts, and their positions under the changes of the machine or of its parts, Similar letters of reference, whtre fhey oocur in the separate figures, denote like [corresponding] parts in all of the drawings, [figures.] The object and purpose of my invention are [is] to shift or change the seedihg-shoes or hoes from a straight to a zigzag line, and vice versa; and, further, to so bang tbt shoes or hoes as, in addition to this [the] shifting process, to admit of being raised separately, or the whole series together, as may be follnd necessary. ��� �