Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/95

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80 FEDERAL REPORTER. �to offices which concern the administration of justice, on account of their inexperience, and want of judgment and learning. King v. DU- liston, 2 Mod. 222; Tyler, Infancy & Cov. § 78. �Stevens T. Masonwas appointed secretary of theterritory of Mich- igan by President Jackson in 1831, when he was but 19 years of age, and while yet an infant he beoame acting governor, and the vigor and wisdom which he displayed in these offices vindicated the propriety of his appointment. Other instances might be cited in which infants have discharged the duties of purely ministerial offices which did not concern the administration of justice. It need hardly be said that the office of notary public is ministerial, and that it does not concern the administration of justice. �Demurrer sustained. ���United States v. Cahill. {Circuit Court, E. D. Missouri. November 2, 1881.) �1 PRBVENTma Citizen from Voting — Indictment dnder Section 5511, Ret. St.— Nbcessaht Avbrmbnts. �An indictment designed to charge an oflence under section 6511 of the Revised Statutes ol the United States, for unlawfully preventing a qualifled voter from exercising the right of suffrage, should charge the offeuder with interfering " at a congresaional election " with a voter qualifled to vote, and ofEering to vote, for a representative in congress. �2. Samb— Bamb. �Such an indictment need not set out the faots on which depend the right of the person interfered with to vote. �Demurrer to Indictment. �The indictment is as follows, viz. : �"United States of America, Eastern District of Missouri — ss. In the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Missouri, at the November Term thereof, A. D. 1880. "The grand jurors of the United States of America, duly ernpanelled, sworn, and charged to inquire in and for the eastern district of Missouri, on their oaths, present that heretofore, to-wit, on the second day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty, at the third eongressional district of the state of Missouri, a lawful election was held, at which said election a representative for said eongressional district, in the forty-seventh congress of the United States, was voted for. That one Alex- ander Batton, being then and there a duly-qualified voter of said sLate, in said eongressional district, and in election district number thirty-nine of the fourth ward of the city of St. Louis, in said eongressional district, and then and there entitled to vote at said election district, was then and there proceeding to ofEer to vote and to deposit his ballot at the polling place in said election dis- trict at said election. That Patrick Cahill, late of said eastern district of Mis- souri, did then and there, while the said Alexander Batton was proceeding to ��� �