Page:Federal Trade Commission Decisions - Vol. 13.djvu/111

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The practices of the said respondent, under the conditions and circumstances described in the foregoing findings, are to the prejudice of the public and respondent’s competitors, and are unfair methods of competition in commerce, and constitute a violation of an act of Congress approved September 26, 1914, entitled “An act to create a Federal Trade Commisison, to define its powers and duties, and for other purposes.”

order to cease and desist

This proceeding having been heard by the Federal Trade Commission upon the complaint of the Commission, the answer of the respondent, the testimony and evidence received by a trial examiner heretofore duly appointed by the Commission, and the briefs filed herein, and the Commission having made its findings as to the facts and its conclusion that the respondent has violated the provisions of an act of Congress approved September 26, 1914, entitled “An act to create a Federal Trade Commission, to define its powers and duties, and for other purposes,”

It is now ordered, That the respondent, Pan-American Manufacturing Co., Inc., its representatives, agents, servants, employees, and successors, cease and desist from:

Using, in connection with the sale in interstate commerce of any beverage concentrate or syrup the word “Grapico” as a trade name, brand, or label, or as a designation of a product not composed of the juice of the grape.

It is further ordered, That the respondent, Pan-American Manufacturing Co., Inc., shall within 60 days after the service upon them of a copy of this order, file with the Commission a report in writing setting forth in detail the manner and form in which it has complied with the order to cease and desist hereinbefore set forth.