Page:Federalist, Dawson edition, 1863.djvu/45

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"Number XVIII., according to the printed designation, appears to be 'By Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Madison.' But the pen is drawn over the words 'Mr. Hamilton and,' leaving the printed designation to read simply 'By Mr. Madison,' the manuscript initials 'J. M.' occupying the usual place to the right of the number.

"Precisely the same remark applies to Numbers XIX. and XX., of which, therefore, we have Mr. Madison's authority for saying that he was himself the sole author, equally as of Number XVIII.

"From Number XXI. to Number XXXVI., both included, the manuscript initials 'A. H.' correspond with the printed designations of the authorship, showing each number to have been the work of Mr. Hamilton's powerful and accomplished mind and pen.

"From Number XXXVII. to Number XLVIII., both included, the initials 'J. M.' in manuscript correspond in like manner with the printed name of the writer, showing each of those numbers to have been the production of the learning and wisdom of Mr. Madison.

"Numbers XLIX. to LVIII., both included, are each ascribed in the printed designation to Mr. Hamilton. In my edition the pen is drawn, in the case of each number, across Mr. Hamilton's name, and the manuscript initials 'J. M ' substituted, showing Mr. Madison to have been the writer. The single Number LIV. shows the name 'Jay' in manuscript, near those initials, over which the pen has been again drawn, leaving the manuscript initials 'J. M ' as before.

"Numbers LIX., LX., LXI., ascribed to Mr. Hamilton in print, are equally shown to be the productions of his pen by the manuscript initials 'A. H.' in each instance.