Page:Felicia Hemans in The Amulet 1832.pdf/2

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Pages 39-42



"———Mightier far
Than strength of nerve or sinew, or the sway
Of Magic, potent over sun and star,
Is Love, though oft to agony oppress'd,
And though his favourite throne be feeble woman's breast."

She came forth, in her bridal robes arrayed,
And, midst the graceful statues round the hall
Shedding the calm of their celestial mien,
Stood pale, yet proudly beautiful as they:
Flowers in her bosom, and the star-like gleam
Of jewels trembling midst her braided hair—
And death upon her brow! But glorious death!
Her own heart's choice—the token and the seal
Of love—o'ermastering love, which, till that hour,
Almost an anguish in the brooding weight
Of its unutterable tenderness,
Had burdened her full soul. But now—oh! now
Its time was come!—and, from the spirit's depths,
The passion and the mighty melody
Of its immortal voice in triumph broke,
Like a strong rushing wind.