Page:Felicia Hemans in The Court Magazine Volume IV 1834.pdf/8

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Treason? He
A traitor?—Oh! my father!
Haste! proceed,
And pause no more. Our hearts are nerved for all.
Say, what shall be his sentence?
From my lips
It shall not be revealed.
Oh! he is slain!
He lives, but yet his doom is fixed.
He lives!
Weep not, my daughter! 'tis the time to act.
For pity's sake, Gonzago, be thou not
Wearied of our afflictions. Heaven to thee
Intrusts the care of two forsaken ones;
He was thy friend—Ah! haste, then, be our guide,
Conduct us to his judges. Come, my child,
Poor innocent, come with me. There yet is left
Mercy upon the earth. Yes! they themselves
Are husbands, they are fathers! When they signed
The fearful sentence, they remembered not
He was a father, and a husband too.
But when their eyes behold the agony
One word of theirs hath caused, their hearts will melt;
They will, they must revoke it. Oh! the sight
Of mortal woe is terrible to man!
Perhaps the warrior's lofty soul disdained
To vindicate his deeds, or to recal
His trinmphs, won for them. It is for us
To wake each high remembrance. Ah! we know
That he implored not; but our knees shall bend,
And we will pray.
Oh Heaven! that I could leave
Your hearts one ray of hope! There is no ear,
No place for prayers. The judges here are deaf,
Implacable, unknown. The thunderbolt
Falls heavy, and the hand by which 'tis launched
Is veiled in clouds. There is one comfort still,
The sole sad comfort of a parting hour,
I come to bear. Ye may behold him yet.
The moments fly. Arouse your strength of heart.
Oh! fearful is the trial, but the God
Of mourners will be with you.
Is there not
One hope?
Alas! my child![Exeunt.